Page 23 - br-june-2020
P. 23

June 2020                             June 2020

 In their ever-darkened world   If we should burn a candle someone will   prioritise  the  safety  of  their  pupils  and  staff.  This  may  mean  that  things  will  be
 They can only hope and pray.   see its light   different to normal, for instance: part-time hours, staggered start and finish times,
       and shorter weeks.
 Others  will  light  the  darkness,  for  some
 If  we  should  burn  a  candle,
 we’ll light up the night   Dorset  Council’s  priority  will  continue  to  be  ensuring  provision  for  vulnerable
 someone will see its gleam
 Others  will  light  the  darkness,  it  isn’t   Light up the night, light up the night for   children  and  children  of  critical  workers  (of  all  year  groups).  Of  this  cohort,
 us    attendance  continues  to  steadily  rise  with  about  3.5%  of  children  attending
 just a dream
 Light up the night, light up the night for   school, including 634 who are deemed vulnerable. A third of early years settings
 Light up the night, light up the night   us.   are  open  for  an  average  of  500  children  (75%  children  of  critical  workers,  25%
 for us.   vulnerable).

 There is so much trouble   Eileen Richardson
 We must see that wars all cease   Early help and safeguarding
 Man must learn to live with love
       Our family workers are supporting families with a variety of issues related to the
 Let’s all light a candle for peace.
       lockdown,  including  managing  home  learning,  behaviour  and  boundaries,
       keeping motivated and safe, and how to have socially distanced exercise. They
       are  seeing  a  significant  impact  on  families  ranging  from  financial  difficulties  to
 2 POEMS BY ERNIE BRADSHAW   mental health, access to food and medicine, and concerns around online safety
       and the tensions of sharing limited computer equipment.
 BERE REGIS   The village is delightful,   Concerns for vulnerable expectant mothers and 0-5s has led to some additional
 It is full of old rustic charms,   work  involving  all  our  partners  whilst  working  with  new  government  health
 Shrouded under an ancient heath,   guidelines.  As  with  previous  weeks,  colleagues  are  maintaining  our  statutory
 And if you fancy a drop,   obligations and we continue to see children in their homes and communities as is
 A part of old England lies beneath.
 Right next to the shop,   required. We have been making excellent use of online tools to stay in touch with
 Divided by a glittering stream   families,  foster  carers  and  conduct  child  protection  conferences.    Online
 There’s the best pub, The Drax Arms.
 That never sleeps, but makes us dream   gatherings have also led to some improved outcomes in our engagement with

 Of meadows sweet, and rural charms,   children and families.
 The locals are all very friendly,
 Like walls of stone, and distant farms.   Our Children in Care Council are meeting regularly but virtually, with higher than
 They will greet you with a smile.
       normal attendance and engagement. The Director has been meeting with foster
 They  make  most  of  their  own   carers regularly to hear insights into being a carer during lockdown – and working
 I have roamed around near and far,
 amusements,   together to shape services. There is some incredible work going on to improve the
 And at last I’ve found my Shangri-La.
 Which makes their lives worthwhile.   way we work in response to this crisis that will leave an indelible improvement on
 I have rambled on in terms verbose,      our services for some time.
 I’m not in Heaven, but Egdon Close   Some Autumn Leaves have fallen
    But some are evergreen.   Useful information available
 AUTUMN LEAVES   I’ll be happy one day,   There is a lot of information on the Dorset Council website, this includes contact
 There are lovely hills in Dorset,   To hear one of them say,   information  and  ideas  for  things  to  do,  including  for  children  when  they’re  at
 You can see them everywhere,   “I’ve had a telegram from the Queen”   home.  Here are some of the links:
 But the best are round Bere Regis,   Online resources for families
 I know because I live there.   Schools  and  families:

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