Page 31 - br-june-2020
P. 31

June 2020                             June 2020

       accompanied  by  some  amazing  photos.  Let  us  know  if  there  is  anything  you
 One Friday, during lockdown, I make my way to my local Tesco for my essential
       would like us to cover. If you would like to be included on the e-mailing list, please
 shopping session. I am in the queue with my trusty trolley, and am casually staring
       contact us.
 out into the car park watching others like me coming and going. I see trolleys full
 of essentials like toilet rolls, tinned tomatoes and baking ingredients being stuffed
 into cars, booty and treasure for yet another busy week at home.
       Nest Boxes
 My thoughts are suddenly cut short as I see a very familiar figure getting out of car
 – he’s wearing a hat and trenchcoat. No it can’t be – it’s the man in my dreams –  It is good to see the nest boxes along
 yes it’s him. He looks out of place wearing that outfit on a really warm day in a   the  stream  being  put  to  their
 Tesco car park. He’s a total anachronism! I watch him lock his car, then he goes   intended  use.  Here  is  a  Great  Tit
 to the hand sanitising station, then grabs his trolley and as he passes me  – I am   exiting  on  its  way  to  find  more  food
       for  its  young  brood  of  helpless
 the other side of the’ safe ‘ barrier, -  he doffs his hat and smiles. How would he   youngsters  with  an  insatiable
 know where I am? Has he followed me? Does he live in my village and maybe   appetite.    The  parent  birds  will  feed
 that’s where I’ve seen him before?
       their  young  on  a  variety  of
 I am in complete disbelief, I don’t know him, but I do - don’t  I? He’s in my dream   invertebrates such as aphids, spiders,
 every night. What to do? The queue is moving forward at a pace now. He is many   small  beetles,  caterpillars,  bugs  and
 trolleys behind me, but I shall just ignore him and get on with my shopping. I zoom   other juicy insects, all full of protein to
 around  as  quickly  as  I  can,  and  am  not  looking  back  and  have  no  idea  now   help  the  growing  birds  develop  a
 where he is. I get to the checkout, take a swift look around – nowhere to be seen.   sound  bone  structure.  As  the  young
 I get through as quickly as I can, to get outside to my car  –my rescue ship. My   grow  the  parents  start  to  introduce
 heart is pounding and I don’t know why, after all remember in my dream he is not   small seeds to their diet prior to them
 a threatening figure. What if he follows me home – just get to the car. Now to get   leaving  the  nest.  Thanks  to  all
 out into the car park you have to snake through a complex maze of yellow one-  involved  in  providing  the  nest  boxes  –   Photo: Roger Bates
 way    crash  barriers  and  when  my  escape  plan  has  been  executed  I  head   you  (through  the  Parish  Council)  for
 towards my goal.    paying for the timber, the Wildlife and Environment Group volunteers for cutting
       the timber to size and putting up the boxes, and not least to the local Cub pack
 Standing next to my car is the mystery man, carrying a huge bouquet of flowers. I   who assembled the boxes. If you have bird boxes in your garden do let us know
 have no choice but to go that way , but how does he know which car is mine   which birds are using them.
 and how did he get out before me? I am shocked beyond belief- he must be a
 mind reader and before I open my mouth he says ‘Hello, nice to meet you at last,
 these are for you’ as he thrusts the flowers on to my trolley with his gloved hand.   Nature Sightings
 ‘I just want to thank you for letting me into your dreams. I have had such fun, joy   We would be very interested to hear of your local wildlife sightings (common or
 and  mirth.  I  knew  I  would  find  you  one  day  to  thank  you  personally.  These   unusual), so as to build up a picture of what is about and when it first arrives /
 memories will stay with me forever’. He bows his head slightly, with an aristocratic   emerges.
 air, turns and heads towards his car, gets in and drives away. Gone – just like that!

 I drive home in a complete daze.
       Contact Us
 That evening, I am almost too frightened to fall asleep, so to ease the passage, I
 indulge  in  rather  a  large  nightcap.  Sleep  arrived,  my  dreams  arrived,  but  he   If you would like to know more about the work of the  Wildlife and Environment
 wasn’t there.  I know he wasn’t there because in the morning I felt a monumental   Group or to be included on our e-mailing list, please contact:
 sense of loss.
       Tony    Bates   at       /      01929    471563
 Many months have elapsed, and he hasn’t ever appeared again. Who was this   Amy Yates at or
 man in my dreams?
       Mike Gee at mike.n.g@outlook./com / 0775 988 4942.
 Lady in Lockdown   May 2020

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