Page 30 - br-june-2020
P. 30

June 2020                                                                           June 2020

       BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND                                                             THE STORM TRYSAIL, THE CINDERELLA OF
       ENVIRONMENT GROUP                                                                   THE SAIL WARDROBE

       We  hope  you  are  continuing  to  keep  safe  and  well                           There are a considerable number of people in
       during  these  difficult  and  troubling  times  and,  if  you                      our  circulation  area    -  including  the  author  -
       are  able,  to  get  out  and  about  locally  to  enjoy  our                       who are "champing at the bit" to get back out
       fabulous surroundings with its abundant wildlife.                                   to  sea  in  their  yachts  during  this  best  part  of
                                                                                           the sailing season.

       Souls Moor Ponies and their Conservation Work                                       With  the  wider  introduction  of  'fore  and  aft'
                                                                                           rigs in the 16  century (as opposed to 'square'
       By  the  time  you  read  this  the  ponies  should  be  back  on  Souls  Moor  –  do  say   rigs,  which  can  only  sail  across  the  wind  or
       “hello” to them when you pass, but please do not feed them, approach them           downwind),  the  ability  of  a  yacht  to  sail  to
       and  keep  dogs  on  a  lead.    They  are  there  to  continue  munching  through  the   windward  has  allowed  us  the  freedom  of
       long rank grasses that have built up while the area remained ungrazed. This is all   tacking  (ziz-zagging)  to  Cherbourg  or  the
       in the interests of good nature conservation. Indeed, we have already seen more     Channel  Isles  into  the  wind  in  our  prevailing
       wildflowers appearing. With time the long vegetation will reduce further and we     sou'westerly weather. The price we pay for this
       hope to see an even more interesting and varied array of plants and wildflowers.    freedom  of  sailing  direction  is  that  it  can  be
                                                   So  far,  the  plentiful  flowers       an  uncomfortable  point  of  sailing  due  to  the
                                                   include  bright  yellow  marsh          heeling angle (leaning over) and strain on the
                                                   marigolds,  along  with  pink           body that this ability to sail upwind entails.
                                                   campion,  meadow  buttercup,
                                                   sorrel,  ragged  robin,  comfrey,       As   an   ‘aside’,   many   non-sailors   (aka
                                                   sorrel,  orchid  and  cuckoo            'landlubbers') will be ignorant of our quirky UK
                                                   flower.  The  cuckoo  flower  has       legal system, which allows us to sail any type
                                                   been  far  more  abundant  this         of privately-owned vessel in UK waters (up to a
                                                   year than it has been for a long        reasonable  length  and  displacement)  without  any  type  of  ‘driving  licence’.    a
                                                   time;  great  news  for  the            policy  traditionally  expressed  as  "  You  can  drown  your  friends  but  not  your
                                                   orange-tip  butterfly  as  the          customers".
                                                   cuckoo  flower  is  one  of  the
                                                                                           Inevitably, some of us eventually reach a stage in our sailing activities when we,
                                                   main   food   plants   for   its
                                                                                           and our creaking joints, look for extended cruising without the welcome shelter of
                                                                                           the English Channel. We accept the reality of comfortable ocean sailing, which is
                                                                                           best described by the statement  "If you have to tack, you are going the wrong
                                                                                           way",  so  we  attempt  to  plan  our  route  to  make  best  use  of  a  following  ‘trade’
       For those of you concerned for the ponies’ welfare, be assured they are regularly   wind.
       checked and they have a plentiful supply of water from the pond.
                                                                                           Yachts designed for commercial use and/or ‘bluewater’ (ocean) sailing need to

                                                                                           be equipped to cope with severe wave heights and sea conditions. apart from
       Nature Notes                                                                        the usual mainsail on the mast and jib on the forestay, (as seen on the average
                                                                                           local  inshore  yachts),  a  vital  and  required  addition  to  the  sail  'wardrobe'  is  the
       In  an  attempt  to  bring  nature  to  you  during  the  ongoing  lockdown  we  are
                                                                                           storm trysail.  In extreme conditions it replaces the mainsail when the latter cannot
       posting regular Nature Notes on Facebook and distributing them to all on our e-
                                                                                           be reduced in size (reefed) sufficiently and/or will be damaged by large waves
       mailing list. Do look out for them  – they provide some information on local and    crashing across the deck. The storm trysail is also a necessary piece of equipment
       seasonal  wildlife  sights,  be  they  plants,  animals,  insects  etc,  and  are
                                                                                           for vessels wishing to achieve category 'zero' (ocean) certification in the UK.

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