Page 27 - br-june-2020
P. 27

June 2020                             June 2020
       shortly  if it  was  deemed  an  emergency. In  addition, Councillor  Wharf,  and  the
 BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP   Parish  Council  Chair  had  held  a  telephone  conference  call  with  Michael
       Tomlinson MP, to discuss the possibility of effecting a change in the law for the
       future  to  differentiate  planning regulations for  Park  Homes  from  those  covering
 Write  me something about the floral group for the June   touring Caravan Parks. All members of the Parish Council had recently received a
 magazine,  my  dear  friend  Alison  suggested.    Glad  to,  I   copy of a letter from Mike Gee, a resident who was formerly a planning officer,
    thought, but as my fingers hovered over the computer keys, I   who sets out a case as to why he disagrees with the response given by Dorset
 ask myself just where do I begin?   Council. The Parish  Council resolved to forward Mr Gee’s letter to the Head of
       Planning at Dorset Council for a response.
 Perhaps  a  brief  trip  back  to  the  very  beginning  would  be  a
 good  place  to  start.    It  is  exciting  to  reflect  that  the  whole
 national flower arranging movement started in Dorset!     Black Hill SSSI
 Mary Pope, a member of the Eldridge Pope Brewery family in
       There  have  been  ongoing  discussions
 Dorchester had spent some of the war years in America and
       between  the  landowner  at  Black  Hill,
 became very enthusiastic about the Garden Clubs of America, with their focus   The  Urban  Heath  Partnership,  Dorset
 on  flower  arranging  as  part  of  plant  growing.    Back  home  after  the  war,  she   Council  and  Natural  England,  as  they
 established the Dorset Floral Decoration Society in the early 50s with the support   wish to try and stop the damage which
 of  the  Royal  Horticultural  Society.  There  was  a  show  in  the  Dorchester  Corn   is  being  done  to  the  SSSI  on  Black  Hill,
 Exchange that was lavishly featured in Picture Post magazine with Society florist   particularly by cyclists using tools to  dig
 and  teacher,  Constance  Spry  doing  the  judging.    In  1959,  the  National   the land for their bike tracks.
 Association of Flower Arrangement Societies was formed, with Mary Pope as its
 founder president.   The Parish  Council have been asked to
       help  raise  awareness  of  this.  We
 Our own group in Bere Regis was also established   appreciate  that  we  have  responsibility
 in  1959  by  a  lady  from  Hyde  called  Maureen      for  the  interests  of  all  residents  of  the
 Anderson.    Long  standing  members  of  our  parish   village, and absolutely sympathise with the children and young adults using their
 will  also  remember  names  like  Chrystal  Tadman,   bikes on this area who are enjoying the countryside and being active, which is
 Jay  Corner,  Cara  Barne,  Beryl  Cobb,  Marion   certainly a good thing. Stopping them from doing this isn’t our intention at all.
 Benjafield,  Evelyn and Audrey Lys, Jean Hudson to
 mention  just  a  few  of  the  club’s  early  members.    To be clear, as far as we are aware, the landowner is still happy for people to use
 The  club’s  former  president  until  2017,  Joan   their  bikes in  the “circle”  area  at  the  top  of  Cemetery  Lane  where  bikes  have
 Herridge,  was  a  member  almost  from  the   traditionally been used. It’s specifically the area further along to the west, where
 beginning, and was one of Dorset’s most talented   tools  have  been  used  to  create  new  tracks  and jumps,  that  they  are  trying  to
 national  competitors  over  many  years,  still  loving   stop the damage on and protect the wildlife there.
 her  competition  work  at  nearly  ninety  years  old.
 (“With a bit more age and experience, Joan, you   The Parish Council are still actively pursuing the creation of a new area for bikes,
 could  be  quite  good!”  my  husband  Rob  used  to   skateboards and such and hope the development of the Neighbourhood Plan
       can further the options for this.
 say to her.  Fortunately she shared his wacky sense
 of  humour,  and  they  would  both  laugh
       Certificates of Appreciation
 The club had a membership of over fifty in those early days, but even now after
 sixty-one years, is around forty. In the early years we met at the Drax Hall, but the   During the recent pandemic, we have been heartened by the number of people
 problem of getting heavy buckets of flowers and equipment upstairs eventually   within  the  parish  who  have  gone  above  and  beyond  to  help  others  with  a
 defeated us, and we now meet at the village hall in Winterborne Kingston. Our   multitude of tasks and favours, with no expectation in return. In due course, after
 members come from quite a wide area from Dorchester to Wareham, Blandford   lockdown has ended, we would like to present these people with a Certificate of
       Appreciation to show our thanks for all that they have done for our community

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