Page 24 - br-june-2020
P. 24

June 2020                                                                           June 2020
       Information  and  landing  page:
       severe-weather/emergencies/coronavirus/coronavirus-covid-19.aspx                    POEMS TO KEEP YOU SMILING
       There  remains  a  great  deal  of  good  advice  on  how  people  can  protect
       themselves  online  at  Finally,  any  Dorset  resident  who
       needs  additional  support  should  be  encouraged  to  call  the  Community  Shield   Yellowhammers                     Wild Orchids
       helpline: 01305 221000 (open 8am-8pm every day).
                                                                                           I saw two yellowhammers today.       Out of sight and out of mind,
                                                                                           I listened to what they had to say.
                                                                                                                                For anyone with eyes to find,
                                                                                           I never once heard a thank you or    It's not a place Joe Soap would know.
       Ever thought about fostering?
                                                                                           please,                              That's where wild orchids grow.
       We are running a campaign to recruit more foster carers. There’s an even greater    When they asked for a little bit of
       need at the moment, as some of our existing carers are shielding. We need more      bread and no cheese.                 Slightly off the beaten route,
                                                                                                                                Beyond the tread of Joe Soap's boot,
       carers, otherwise some Dorset children may have to leave their friends and where
       they  are  settled  and  be  placed  in  care  elsewhere.  If  you’ve  ever  considered      Paul J Openshaw (April 2020)   In the fulness of Spring's flow,
                                                                                                                                That's where wild orchids grow.
       fostering, do take a look. Find out more at:
                                                                                                                                Out of mind and out of sight,

                                                                                                                                In the woodland's dappled light,
       Public Health update and guidance changes                                                                                It's no secret, but don't tell Joe,
                                                                                                                                That's where wild orchids grow.
       As  of  mid-May  there  were  7006  confirmed  coronavirus  cases  across  the
                                                                                                                                          Paul J Openshaw (April 2020)
       southwest. This means that the region has the lowest infection rate in the country.
       While  this  is  good  news,  it  also  presents  a  challenge  as  the  government  eases
       lockdown  restrictions  and  more  people  from  elsewhere  in  the  country  may  be
       tempted to visit Dorset.

       New Coronavirus helpline for parents and carers
       We have set-up the helpline
       to  support  those  who  are
       worried  about  their  child  or                                                    OUR VILLAGE SONGWRITER  -
       teenager     during   the
       lockdown.   If   you   are                                                          EILEEN RICHARDSON
       concerned  about  how  your

       child  is  managing  and  you
       need  someone  to  talk  to,                                                        A tiny candle
       please  ring.  Our  educational  psychologists  are  available  to  help  you.  They  will   I saw a tiny candle, flickering in the night
       listen  to  your  concerns  and  can  offer  practical  advice  and  guidance.  The   It cast a silver shadow with its glowing light
       helpline number is: 01305 228300. It is open from Monday to Friday from 9am to      Light up the night, light up the night for us.
       4.45pm. Callers need to ring and make an appointment for a 30 minute phone
       consultation.                                                                       ‘Twas just a single candle, with its tiny glow
                                                                                           Guiding me in the darkness, showing me where to go
       Broadband                                                                           Light up the night, light up the night for us.

       Chris Loder MP and I have met with the CEO of BTOpenreach to lay out forcefully     There is so much darkness
       our  disappointment  at  the  implementation  speed,  cost  and  overruns  of  their   Some don’t see the light of day

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