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January 2021
 ADVERTISING RATES                    January 2021
 for the year 2021   THE PARISHES of BERE REGIS and AFFPUDDLE

 (Cheques to be made payable to Bere Regis PCC)   with TURNERSPUDDLE
 Rates for charitable, community or non-profit organisations are charged at 50% of above.

 Full year advertising is based on complete calendar years.  Adverts inserted for part   Our   Our Mission:
 years are charged at a pro-rata rate of the full year cost.  Full year advertisers are
                              Vision:           To encourage awareness of the
 automatically included on both village websites.   presence of God through worship
                              To make
 Full page, full year   £260   Full page, one month   £38   music and the arts;
                              love               To encourage everyone in the
 Half page, full year   £160   Half page, one month   £22
                              known in          Christian faith through example,
 Third page, full year   £120   Third page, one month   £16
                              the world           learning and spiritual growth;

 Quarter page, full year   £98   Quarter page, one month   £13   today and   To make our churches open and
                              to live out
 Small-ads, full year   £70   Small-ads, one month   £11   welcoming to all, and supportive
                                                              of those in need;
 For all advertising enquiries, contact the Editor, details on inside back cover.
                                            To challenge injustice at home and
                                              abroad and to balance our care
                                                           for the environment.

 The Dates for your Diary

       Dear Friends
 section will return in due course,   Most mornings Zinnie and I are leaving the house later for our walk because it’s still
       so dark, these shorter days are more difficult for some than others, especially the
 once all our clubs, societies and   gloomier ones.  I don’t mind them, because the winter also brings lovely things.
       You can’t beat a frosty day, especially if you don’t have to go anywhere except
       walk the dog and enjoy it.
 events are back on track.    The night sky on a clear crisp evening has been particularly spectacular, we’re
       lucky  to  see  such  a  fine  array  of  stars  and  planets  on  some  evenings.    Our
 Hopefully, it will not be too long   grandchildren  are  fascinated  by  the  planets  and  the  stars  and  know  some
       amazing  facts,  but  there  are  probably  still  even  more  amazing  facts  to  learn
       about our universe.  I also love the way that we get glimpses of light at this time of
 before we return to some kind of   year: when the sun manages to break through on an otherwise grey day; when
       the moon shines so bright you don’t need a torch on; when the cobwebs sparkle
       on a frosty morning; when the lights twinkle on the outside Christmas decorations
 normality.   that are still up.

       The winter also brings our lovely Christian festivals – Advent, Christmas, Epiphany,
       Candlemas – spreading Christ’s light to the world.  In these times of uncertainty
       and change, our world seems very dark indeed.  And while it’s been a different

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