Page 45 - br-feb-2020
P. 45

February 2020                        February 2020


       Bere Regis WI eased itself gently into 2020 with our
       traditional  January  party,  where  members  were
       treated  to  refreshments  and  a  warm,  welcoming
       atmosphere,  along  with  a  fascinating  slide  show
 Chairman:    Ian Ventham    471480   from our member Hillie Montgomery on her trip to
       India last year
 Vice Chairman:    Bryan Benjafield    07969    February will be a much busier month, with a distinct
 770890                       environmental  bias.    On  Saturday  8  February,

                              members  will  be  out  in  force  decorating  the  village
 Parish Clerk:    Amanda   472327   with  green  hearts  to  show  support  for  the  Climate
 Crocker                      Coalition’s    Show    the   Love    campaign
                              (    The
 Websites:   hope  is  that  everyone  who  sees  the  hearts  will  be            encouraged  to  think  more  about  our  environment
                              and what we can do to protect it.  Why not take the
                              S p i n    t h e    L o v e    C h a l l e n g e    a t
 The  Parish  Council  met  on  Thursday  9   January  2020  at  the  Drax  Hall.  Three  for  ideas  on  what  you  can  do?
 members of the public were present. The next meeting will be on Thursday 13    Alternatively, why not encourage our local MP to get in on the action by making
 February at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm.  All parishioners are very welcome to   you r    o wn   gr een    hear t   and   sen d i ng   i t   or    e mai li n g
 attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns at the start of   (  a  photo,  along  with  a  message  asking
 the meeting.
       him to commit to #ShowTheLove for the solutions to the climate crisis.

       Closer  to  home,  but  still  with  an
 Parking   environmental  flavour,  our  meeting  on
       Wednesday,  19  February  2020,  will
 There  have  been  concerns  raised  not just  by  residents  but  also  from  the  refuse   feature  a  presentation  by  Bere  Regis’s
 collectors who have difficulty negotiating the junction of Snow Hill and Barrow Hill
 due to inconsiderate parking in that area. As a result, the area used as a pull-in   own Tony Bates who will be giving us an
 will be blocked to prevent parking there.  We  would  ask residents to park  more   overview  of  the  work  of  The  Dorset
 considerately.   Wildlife Trust.
       February  will  also  see  our  traditional

       Pancake  Day  Races  on  Tuesday  25  February  at  the  Sports  and  Social  Club.
 Barrow Hill Paddock Planning Application   Weather  permitting,  racing  will  start  at  10:30  and  we’ll  be  serving  refreshments
       from 10:00.  As usual, we’ve invited pupils from Bere Regis Primary School but other
 We were pleased to hear that the planning application for two houses to built in
 the paddock at Barrow Hill and Tower Hill has been refused by Dorset Council as it   participants and spectators are very welcome and encouraged.
 is not in conformity with the Bere Regis Neighbourhood Plan.   This month’s Lunch Club will be on Thursday 6 February at the New Inn, Church
       Knowle, near Corfe Castle Both members and non-members are very welcome,
       so please contact us if you’d like to come along.
 Lengthsman’s Work
       For details of future meetings or further information about the WI, please contact
 Some parishioners have queried what the Lengthsman does and what his priorities   Di  Pitts  on  01929  471322  or  Moira  Mathers  on  07900  906278.  You  can  see  more
 are.  We  will  be  publishing  more  detailed  information  soon,  but  here  are  some
       about our past meetings and activities on our Facebook page @BereRegisWI.

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