Page 50 - br-feb-2020
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February 2020                                                                       February 2020

       Mazymeg and the Honeybees

       Angel Heart Theatre

       Wed 19th Feb 2020, 4:00pm
       Milborne  St  Andrew  Village  Hall,  Blandford
       Forum DT11 0JX

       Standard Ticket £7, Under 18s £5. Family ticket
       Telephone booking: Angela Johnson 01258 839060
       Albert  lives  alone  with  his  beloved  honeybees  on  Dartmoor,  a  mysterious  land
       where nothing is as it seems. One day a stranger appears and steals Albert's bees
       and it's as though the light has gone from Albert's world. But a second visitor comes
       to his cottage - a little Pisky, called Mazymeg. She promises to find his bees, for she
       knows who the stranger is: Dark Dewer, the wicked wizard. ('Tis said on Dartmoor
       that to get lost is to be 'pisky-led'.)
       Lose your way with Mazymeg and a host of strange and funny characters, as she
       tries  to  bring  home  Albert's  bees.  Weaving  threads  of  Devon folklore,  an  original
       soundtrack  by  Dartmoor  musicians  and  shape-shifting  puppetry,  this  is  Angel
       Heart's most enchanting show yet.
       Suitable 3+

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