Page 43 - br-feb-2020
P. 43

February 2020                        February 2020

 parishioners to contribute to these discussions in due course, but if there is anything
 you feel you want to suggest at this point, please feel free to pass any thoughts to
 the Clerk.

 Village Forum

 We  will  be  holding  a  Village  Forum  on  Saturday  16th  May,  in  the  School  Hall,
 starting  at  11am.  We  would  ask  everyone  to  note  the  date,  and  community
 organisations to think about taking the opportunity to report on their activities and
 Ian Ventham


 The  first  meeting  of  New  Year  was  a  splendid
 musical afternoon, enjoyed by everyone who was
 there.    The  very  versatile  Dave  Arnold  sang  and
 played  his  Guitar,  Banjo  and  Banjolele  for  us  and
 we had a good sing-along.  Everyone enjoyed it so
 much that he is already booked for next January!

 In  February  we  will  have  an  entirely  different  afternoon,  as  we  welcome  Linda
 Lamon who is presenting her 3D videos and photos of scenes from May’s Wood,
 Our Parish Church of St john the Baptist, Thomas Hardy’s homes, Tyneham village
 and many other interesting items.  3D glasses will be provided.
 I can assure you that this is an event to look forward to.  Why don’t YOU come
 along  and  see  for  yourself?    If  you  do  join  us,  you  can  be  sure  of  a  warm
 welcome and an excellent afternoon tea. Find a friend to come with you and
 join the nice ladies and gentlemen at the Scout Hut on Wednesday 12  February
 at 2.30.

 Are you an ornithologist? Do you admire birds of prey?
 Check the advert on page 56 of this magazine for
 Dorset Falconry Park

 A talk at Briantspuddle Village Hall,
  with some birds of prey

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