Page 41 - br-feb-2020
P. 41

February 2020                        February 2020

 attend this trip of a lifetime.  Watch out for the event notices that we will put on   DORSET TRADING STANDARDS
 the village facebook page and in here.

       Dorset Council Trading Standards Service check and approve
 Scout Hut Hire   businesses so you don’t have to.
       For more information visit or
 Please  be  advised  that  we  are no  longer  offering  the  hut for hire  for  one  off
       call 08454 040506.
 events and private parties.
       To report or seek advice about problems you have

       experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.
 Contact us
 If anyone would like further information about Bere Regis Scout Group or the   What connects Dorset trading standards and scuba diving?
 Kingsbere Explorer Scout Unit, all the contact details for the individual sections
 (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers) are available in the village directory at   Suba Diving is an exhilarating, popular past-time in Dorset and it’s not hard to see
 the  back  of  this  magazine.    General  enquiries  and  offers  of  help/assistance:   why.  The  cliffs  of  the  Jurassic  coastline  give  way  to  an  underwater  world  of
 Neal Unitt-Jones on 01929 472273.   shipwrecks  and  sea-life  to  explore  and  enjoy.  With  all  the  wonder  it  is  easy  to
       forget just how dangerous, and how vulnerable, a diver is. While under water they
       are completely reliant on the contents of the tank of air strapped to their back for
       air.  If  this  air  is  contaminated,  or  not  of  the  right  quality,  there  are  very  real
       dangers.  Most  divers  will  understand  too  much  carbon  dioxide  or  carbon
       monoxide in the tank can have fatal consequence.
                                                      So  what  safeguards  are
                                                      there  for  divers  purchasing
   Paul Martin   07788 185048      Could the ALEXANDER   air? In all likelihood, the tank

 Electrics   01929 289323                             would have been filled by a
                                                      dive centre and supplied as   TECHNIQUE help you?
                                                      part   of   a   commercial
                                                      transaction.  And,  just  like
 Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’
 experience offering:-   Learning the technique will enable you to   any   other   commercial
 realise that the way you stand & move can            transaction  for  consumer
                                                      products,  the  supplied  air
  Consumer Unit (fuse   be the cause of pain & tension
 board) Replacement                                   must be safe for consumers
                                                      to use.
  Emergency call-out
 Service   The BMJ gave                               To  help  local  dive  centres
  Additions and   AT positive                        ensure the quality of their air
 Alterations to Existing   Dorset trading standards service has operated a Divers Clean Air Scheme for over
 Installations   results in their   25 years.  Although voluntary, I’m happy  to say  most, if not all, of the diver’s air
  Portable Appliance   Back Pain trial   suppliers  in  the  area  are  members.  Each  member  has  a  sample  of  their  air
 Testing   periodically  tested  to  the  recognised  standard.  The  levels  of  oxygen,  carbon
 01929 298 323   dioxide and carbon monoxide among others are all checked to ensure they are
 No VAT – Fully Insured     within safe limits.  This gives  the dive centres, and divers themselves, confidence
 Part P Compliant   0770 441 9200   that  the  air  supplied  will  be  of  the  expected  standard    allowing  the  diver  to
 Free Estimates     immerse themselves in the incredible beauty of beneath the Dorset coast.
 All Work Guaranteed   Jeannette Martin MSTAT

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