Page 40 - br-feb-2020
P. 40

February 2020                                                                       February 2020

                                                                                            BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND
                                                                                            ENVIRONMENT GROUP

                                                                                            We  may  have  a  way  to  go  to  shrug  off  winter,  but
                                                                                            there  are  already  promising  signs  of  Spring  –  early
                                                                                            bulbs are starting to flower, be they garden bulbs such
                                                                                            as  snowdrops  or  native  bulbs  such  as  the  yellow
                                                                                            flowering lesser celandine; catkins are showing in the hedgerows and it shan’t be
                                                                                            long until ponds have frog spawn in them  – let us know where you see it. If we
                                                                                            have some warm days there may even be some early butterflies on the wing this
                                                                                            month, such as Brimstone, Orange Tip, Peacock or Red Admiral – again, please
                                                                                            tell us what you’ve seen.

                                                                                            January’s Conservation Working Party
                                                                                            A  great  group  of  our  trusty  volunteers  turned  out  on  a  lovely  morning  in  early
                                                                                            January to coppice some trees alongside the river. With the trees coppiced more
                                                                                            light will be able to reach the stream and allow river flora to flourish including the



                                                 Picture and framing service
                                                  with a wide selection of
                                                    mounts and frames.
                                                  Open most days but best
                                                  call first before making a
                                                        special trip.

                                                   The Old School House
                                                     Tincleton DT2 8QR                      pretty Water Crowfoot – look out for its floating green strands and white flowers in
                                                                                            the  coming  months!  We  used  the  cut  timber  to  lay  a  path  through  the  boggy
                                                     01305 848909
                                                                                            areas by the stream between Shitterton and the Jubilee bridges.

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