Page 48 - br-feb-2020
P. 48

February 2020                                                                       February 2020

                                                                                           liberation of Auschwitz, but also the 25  anniversary of the Genocide in Bosnia.
                                                                                           I will continue to update my website with news and events, so that you can see
                                                                                           what I have been doing in both Dorset and Parliament. I send out a regular e-
        Friday Feb 21 , Milborne Movies presents ‘Yesterday’                               newsletter as well, please do visit my website if you would like to sign up.
        7.00 Doors and bar open for 7.30 start.                                            If  you  would  like  to  visit  Parliament  or  have  an  issue  that  you  need  help  with,
                                                                                           please  do  get  in  touch;  email  me  on  or
        The Village Hall, Milborne St Andrew DT11 0JB
                                                                                           contact my office on 01202 624216. You can also follow what I’ve been doing on
        This seems to be one of those films that ‘ordinary’ filmgoers appreciate more than   Twitter  @Michael4mdnp  or  Facebook
        the  critics.  It’s  a  story  by  Richard  Curtis,  directed  by  Danny  Boyle.  Jack  Malik   michael4MDNP
        (Himesh Patel, BBC's Eastenders) is a struggling singer-songwriter in a tiny English
        seaside  town  whose  dreams  of  fame  are  rapidly  fading,  despite  the  fierce
        devotion and support of his childhood best friend, Ellie (Lily James). Then, after a
        freak  bus  accident  during  a  mysterious  global  blackout,  Jack  wakes  up  to
        discover that The Beatles have never existed... and he finds himself with a very
        complicated problem, indeed.
        Matthew  Norman  of  the  London  Evening  Standard  managed  ‘Fuelled  by  the            LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT
        engaging chemistry of its leads and the unflagging wonderment of the music, it
        zips along.’
                                                                                              Michael Tomlinson MP      
        Christopher O, on the Rotten Tomatoes website, wrote:                                 holds regular surgeries
        ‘A  near  perfect  movie,  touching,  funny  and  romantic.  Patel  is  superb  and   in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
        matched  well  with  Lily  James.  The  music  is  top  rate  and  the  direction  and   details of forthcoming   
        writing near flawless.’                                                              surgeries or to make an
                                                                                               appointment, please          @Michael4MDNP
        Come along and decide for yourself, particularly if you like the music of the
        Beatles!                                                                                contact his office.

                                                                                          DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT

                                                                                           Second Homes

                                                                                           I  understand  the  article  last  month
                                                                                           may  not  have  been  clear  enough.
                                                                                           Apologies  if  that  was  the  case.  Laura
                                                                                           and I have pushed for the adoption of
                                                                                           an overarching policy in our new local
                                                                                           plan  which  prevents  housing  in  new
                                                                                           developments  being  used  as  second
                                                                                           homes.  Laura  and  I  have  recently
                                                                                           managed  to  persuade  the  Planning

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