Page 28 - br-dec-2019
P. 28

December 2019                                                                       December 2019

       BERE REGIS SCOUT GROUP                                                               BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY

                                                                                            We  held  our  twelfth  meeting  at  the
        Explorer News                                                                       Village  Hall  on  23rd  October  at  7.30pm.
                                                                                            Now  that  the  Society  has  been  running
                              Following on from our summer
                              trips  abroad  we  prepared                                   for  one  year,  a  brief  summary  of  our
                              and then presented details and photographs on the             achievements was presented. Apart from
                              World  Scout  Jamboree  to  America  and  the                 discovering  two  Roman  Villas  and  one
                              expedition  to  France  and  Belgium  to  visit  WW1          ancient farm in the parish, we have also
                              battlefields  and  the  war  graves,  to  a  group  of        discovered  the  location  of  our  village
                              parents,  friends  and  invited  guests.    We  took  great   burial ground long before the church was
                              pride in being part of the Remembrance parade and             established here during the "Dark Ages".
                                                                                                                            Evidence has only just been found showing
                                                                                                                            that  the  further  up  Barrow  Hill  an  urn  was
                                                                                                                            buried,  the  higher  status  it  was.  This  find  is
                                                                                                                            through  the  discovery  of  Samian-type
                                                                                                                            pottery  and  richer  food  offerings  being
                                                                                                                            placed next to the urns.

                                                                                                                            Since  the  beginning  of  our  archaeological
                                                                                                                            work a few years ago a total of 13,172 things
                                                                                                                            have  been  found,  all  of  which  help  to  tell
                                                                                                                            the story of Bere going back well over 4,000
                                                                                                                            years.  Our  long-term  aim  of  having  a
                                                                                            museum at Bere Regis was discussed briefly, together with a consensus that we
                                                                                            should carry on as we have for our second year.
                                                                                            Next we had a talk on the 1895 Bloxworth whirlwind, while comparing stories of the
                                                                                            1959 whirlwind at Bere Regis.  We now know of four of these occurrences in the
        service  in  the  church  along  with  the  Scouts,  Cubs  and  Beavers.    A  relaxing   local area.
        night playing Skittles and eating pizza at the Royal Oak was enjoyed by all, a
        night hike and problem solving have also kept us busy.                              We finished with three films, all made at Bere Regis, one in 1961, the next in 1969
                                                                                            at the village carnival, and lastly of the village firework display of 2015 which a

                                                                                            spectator recorded for us.
        Scout News
                                                                                                                                         John Pitfield, Project Secretary
        Recently  in  scouts  we  have  been  very  busy  we
        participated in the parade to remember those who

        died in wars and other conflicts. This consisted of a
        march to the local church where we laid Wreaths on                                    When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
        the memorial and went inside for a church service.                                       their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
        On Monday the 4 we had a bonfire night were we
        burned Guy Fawkes and raised money for charity by                                        effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
        designing our own games. On Monday the 18th we
        watched a movie and we sat on beanbags and the                                                              advertising revenue!!

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