Page 29 - br-dec-2019
P. 29

December 2019                       December 2019

        leaders provided us popcorn and other snacks and we had a movie night to
        chill and relax after a busy month.

        Cub News

        Cooking  is  always  a  favourite  at
        cubs  and  decorating  cookies
        (and eating them) for the Mexican
        festival of Dia de Los Muertos (Day
        of  the  Dead)  was  no  exception.
        We  continued  the  theme  and
        made  Christmas  puddings  and
        everyone  took  a  turn  to  stir  the
        mixture  and  make  a  Christmas

        Beaver News
        Beavers are having a busy term, with cooking and
        outside  night  activities.    Autumn  Sleepover  is
        happening in mid-November, with Beavers cooking
        their  tea  in  the  hut  and  then  sleeping  in  pop-up
        tents  inside,  before  baking  fresh  bread  for
        breakfast.  These hut based sleepovers are essential
        for  gaining  confidence  in  being  away  from  home
 Dorchester   and  managing  lifeskills,  like  washing  up,  without  help!    We  have  also  been

 Framing   cooking soup in our ordinary sessions and also learning about Remembrance
        Day.  We played a "trench" gramophone and handled some toys and children's
 Picture and framing service   books and magazines from 100 years ago, to try to bring the reality of the Great
        War  and  the  sacrifice  home  to  a  new  generation.    We  had  a  fantastic
 with a wide selection of
                                attendance  at  the  parade  of  18  beavers,  with
 mounts and frames.
                                another 2 joining in with Remembrance elsewhere.
 Open most days but best        We have learnt some team skills and survival skills for
 call first before making a     the Skills Challenge work, and our QM, Phil, came to
 special trip.                  help beavers to learn to iron their neckers.  None of
                                this can be done without the commitment of adults
                                to help with the activities and especially adults able

                                to commit to become leaders.
 The Old School House
 Tincleton DT2 8QR              Our  term  will  end  with  seasonal  activities,  with
                                the beavers learning to ring handbells, singing carols
 01305 848909                   and  making  Christmas  crafts  to  sell  at  the  little
                                Christmas fayre on 14th December.  Wishing you all
                                joy and peace.

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