Page 32 - br-dec-2019
P. 32

December 2019                                                                       December 2019


       Join Us on our Conservation Working

       Please come and join us at the next  Working Party  –
       Saturday  7   December  - many  hands  make  for  light
       work;  all  are  welcome  (under  16s  should  be
       accompanied by an adult). No experience is required, there’s a friendly crowd
       and it is great fun and exercise too! Or, just pop along and find out more about
       what we are doing.
       We will meet by the stream bridge near to the Scout Hut, Elder Road at 10am or
       you can find us along the river. We normally finish about 12.30. If you have some
       loppers or hand saws please bring them with you – if you don’t, no problem we’ll
       have some spares along with other tools. Our efforts are helping to conserve the
       best of what is already present along the riverside walkway and is intended to
       make the area even more wildlife friendly.
       Further work parties will be held in the New Year, dates to be announced.

       November Conservation Working Party
       Our November work party was a very damp affair, but it didn’t dissuade our trusty
       band of volunteers! We concentrated on the area alongside the boardwalk by
       the river. We both coppiced and laid some stretches of hedges that had grown
       up alongside the stream. This has a number of benefits – it opens up the river to
       view for people walking along the boardwalk, it enables more light to reach the
       stream thus allowing growth of aquatic plants, and the newly laid hedge provides
       great cover for small  mammals, small birds and invertebrates.  You can see the
       before and after for some of our work in the photos, but do pop down and see
       for yourself; better still, come and join us for the December working party  –  we
       have plenty to do and more helpers are needed.

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