Page 30 - br-dec-2019
P. 30

December 2019                                                                       December 2019

       Scout Hut Hire                                                                       BERE REGIS

       Please be advised that we are no longer offering the hut for hire for one off events   SURGERY NEWS
       and private parties.

                                                                                             We  have  had  a  wonderful
       Contact us                                                                           uptake  to  our  flu  campaign
                                                                                            this  year.  Thank  you  to
       If  anyone  would  like  further  information  about  Bere  Regis  Scout  Group  or  the
       Kingsbere  Explorer  Scout  Unit,  all  the  contact  details  for  the  individual  sections   patients  who  have  taken  up
       (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers) are available in the village directory at the   our offer.  We now only have
       back of this magazine.  General enquiries and offers of help/assistance: Neal Unitt-  a   limited   number   of
       Jones on 01929 472273.                                                               vaccinations    available.
                                                                                            There are no more clinics arranged but if you are 65 years and over or under 65
                                                                                            years  with  a  long-term  condition  please  contact  Reception  and  we  will  make
                                                                                            sure an appointment and a vaccine is made available for you.  Remember by
                                                                                            having  your  flu  vaccination  at  the  Practice  helps  to  keep  the  Practice  in  the
                                                                                            The  Cookie  jar  raffle  will  take  place  at  the  Carers  December  meeting.    Don’t
                                                                                            forget, you also win half of the takings, just in time for Christmas!  The entry form is
                                                                                            at Reception, £1 per entry.
                                                                                            All  the  staff  at  Bere  Regis  Surgery  would  like  to  wish  our  patients  a  Happy
                                                                                            Christmas and a Healthy New Year!
                                             BERE REGIS MOT and SERVICE
        Could the ALEXANDER                              CENTRE                             Christmas and New Year opening times are:
                                                    TEL: 01929 472205
        TECHNIQUE help you?                               MOTs                              Christmas Eve – open as usual
                                              (No Re-Test Fee within 10 working days)       Christmas Day and Boxing Day – closed.  Please phone 111 if you need medical
        Learning the technique will enable you to      SERVICING                            assistance; 999 if you have an emergency
        realise that the way you stand & move can       REPAIRS                             Friday  27 ,  Monday  30   and  Tuesday  31   December  –  open  as  usual.  Sit  and
                                                  BRAKES * EXHAUSTS
        be the cause of pain & tension                                                      wait clinics each morning

                                                                                            Wednesday  1   January  -  closed.    Please  phone  111  if  you  need  medical
                                                COMPUTERISED DIAGNOSTICS
         The BMJ gave                              LATEST EQUIPMENT FOR                     assistance; 999 if you have an emergency
                                                  MOST MAKES AND MODELS
          AT positive                                                                       Thursday 2  January – open as usual

         results in their                     OVER 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE
         Back Pain trial                          IN THE MOTOR TRADE                        Patient Participation Group

         01929 298 323                              Proprietor: Bill Greer                  The Bere Regis Patient Participation Group would like you to join their group.  The
                                                   Unit 1 Townsend Business Park
         0770 441 9200                                Bere Regis, BH20 7LA                  group meet bimonthly for an hour and a half and aim to be a conduit between
                                                                                            patients  and  the  Practice  staff,  providing  feedback,  help  and  support.    If  you
                                                   (At rear of Shell Petrol Station)
        Jeannette Martin MSTAT                                                              would like to get involved, please ask at Reception.

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