Page 25 - br-dec-2019
P. 25

December 2019                       December 2019

        Thank you to everyone who supported the Pop In Place
        fundraiser for BBC Children in Need

        Community Event this month:- Coming to a
        Village Hall near you ……….

        Santa’s Holiday Adventure  The Pop In Place Performers  Christmas show
        Thursday        5  December  6pm
        Friday            6  December  7pm
        Saturday       7  December  2pm
        Tickets are selling fast you will need to move quickly to get one telephone 01929
        See poster for more details. This is a great community show featuring people from
        all ages and background coming together to tell you the story of Santa’s Holiday
        Adventure  the  show  is  packed  with  song  dance,  vibrant  costumes    and
        excitement and the second part features a wonderful carnival.

        Pop In Place community Christmas Party Monday 16  December 12 -4
        This is invitation only due to lack of space at the Hall and for the people who have
        supported the organisation over the past year.

        More Volunteers

        Pop In Place needs reliable friendly volunteers to serve
        teas or drive clients and welcome visitors.
        Could you become a volunteer and help to serve the
        teas at our Monday or Friday morning cafes or maybe
        you could become a driver or talk to the clients? These
        tasks are all done on a rota basis so you don’t have to
        do it every week. Call in and see us and get your name
        on the rota.
        A  big  thank  you  to  all  who  already  volunteer  with  us
        we  appreciate  that  you  are  giving  your  time  to
        enhance the life of others and it is greatly appreciated.

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