Page 20 - br-dec-2019
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December 2019                                                                       December 2019

       2020 BERE REGIS CALENDARS                                                           BERE REGIS WI

                                                                                           At the end of October, Bere Regis WI hosted the
       The 2020 version of the Bere Regis                                                  biannual  Woodbury  Hill  Group  Harvest  Supper.
       Calendars are now on sale! Priced                                                   We’d  like  to  thank  all  the  members  of  our  own
       at just £5 each, and a great idea                                                   and neighbouring WIs who attended and helped
       for  Christmas  gifts,  you  can  pick                                              to make this event such a great success.  Thanks
       up  a  copy  from  the  Post  Office                                                                              are of course also due to the team from Bere
       (with  a  free  envelope  if  posting),                                                                           Regis  WI  who  took  charge  of  all  the  logistics
       the Spar or the Pop In Place.                                                                                     and  made  the event run so smoothly.   We’ve
                                                                                                                         has  some  lovely  words  of  thanks  from
       All  profits  from  the  sale  of  the                                                                            neighbouring groups.
       calendars  this  year  will  be  going
       to  The  Ed  Kent  Trust,  a  local                                                                               During  November,  our  record  in  the  annual
       charity providing grants for young                                                                                DFWI  skittles  league  suffered  a  serious  upset.
       people  to develop their skills and                                                                               Used  as  we  are  to  coming  second  in  our
       experiences in  sports  or  music,  set  up  in  memory  of  Bere  Regis resident  Ed  Kent                       matches,  we  had  to  realign  our  expectations
       who sadly passed away in 2015 at the age of 13.                                                                   after  an  unexpected  victory  in  a close fought
                                                                                                                         match against Sutton Poynz.  Not letting this go
                                                                                                                         to  our  heads,  we  reverted  to  normal  form  for
                                                                                                                         our  final  few  matches!  Luckily,  we’re  firmly  of
                                                                                           the thought that it’s the taking part that matters and are secure in our position as
                                                                                           one of the friendliest teams, with probably the best après-skittles suppers.
                                                                                           November also saw the last of our monthly Stitch and Twitch sessions for the year,
                                                                                           where a small, but enthusiastic, group of members continued their Project Linus
                                                                                           UK projects.  These will be presented in the New Year.
                                                                                           After  an  enjoyable  and  thoroughly  tasty  lunch  at  the  Cock  and  Bottle  Inn  in
                                                                                           Morden  in  November  2019,  the  Bere  Regis  WI  Lunch  Club  will,  like  Stitch  and
                                                                                           Twitch, take a break for December.  That’s not to say that we won’t be upholding
                                                                                           our gastronomic prowess in December.  Instead of our usual evening meeting this
                                                                                           month,  we’ll  instead  be  enjoying  our  Christmas  Lunch  at  The  King’s  Arms  in
                                                                                           Stoborough on Wednesday, 18  December.
                                                                                           Finally, we’d like to wish all our members, together with all who live in the village, a
                                                                                           very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
                                                                                           For details of future meetings or further information about the WI, please contact
                                                                                           Di  Pitts  on  01929  471322  or  Moira  Mathers  on  07900  906278.  You  can  see  more
                                                                                           about our past meetings and activities on our Facebook page @BereRegisWI.

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