Page 49 - br-august-2019
P. 49

August 2019                          August 2019

 The  meeting  brought  together  stakeholders  and  partners  and  we  are  planning    BEER IN BERE
 public  information  sessions  along  with  Wareham  Town  Council  and  Friends  of
 Wareham  Hospital.  Planning  permission  will  be  sought  towards  the  end  of  2019,
 with  work  to  begin  on  site  and  a  public  meeting  planned  for  spring  2020.  It  is   Having  just  held  Bere  Fest,  which  had  nothing  to  do  with  Beer,  it  might  be
 anticipated that the first phase of work will complete towards late 2021.   interesting to think about another project to look at the role of Beer in our village.
       We know we like drinking it here as we still have two pubs.  In the past there were

       many more pubs in the village.  John Pitfield has very kindly sent me the following
 Executive Advisory Panels (EAP)
       table through the centuries.
 The  Leader  and Deputy  of  Dorset  Council  (Peter  Wharf)  have  decided  that  we
 need to involve all Councilors in key decision making. To this end we have set up a   BERE REGIS PUBS & INNS
 variety of EAPs, each with a group of interested Councilors to develop policy for
 the whole Council in a non-political manner - as much as possible. We currently
 are setting up EAPs into Climate Change, the use  of IT for transformation of the   First records   Closed   Name   Location
 new  Council,  how  we  engage  with  Town  and  Parish  Councils  and  how  we
 connect Adults and Children’s services where the crossover is problematic. We will   "The 1600 group"
 write more on each one in the forthcoming months.
       1614               Present   Royal Oak           No.25, West Street

 Surgery    1611          Present   Drax Arms (Kings Head  No.86, West Street
                                   till 1770-77)
 Surgeries will be held by one or other of us during the month and we are currently
 trying a number of different approaches. For  August it will be at the D’Urberville
 Hall in Wool on Wednesday?? August when the market is held and at Bere Regis   1624   1770-75   Kings Arms   No.17, North Street
 Pop  in  Place  on  Friday  9   August  at  10.30.    If  you  cannot  make  it  to  a  surgery
 please email either of us and we will arrange to come around to see you.  Peter’s   1614   1788   Crown   Cyril Wood Court frontage
 email   address   is   and   Laura’s   is   1614   1736   New Inn   West of No.45, West Street
 Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck   "Eighteenth Century

       1717               1766     Greyhound            Between No.83 & 84, West

 LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT   1743   1759   Duke William   No.12, Shitterton

 Michael Tomlinson MP       1746   1820s?   Sailor (or   Woodbury Hill Fair
 holds regular surgeries           Taphouse)"The Hotel"
 in the constituency.  For     01202 624216   "Nineteenth
 details of forthcoming   Century group"
 surgeries or to make an   
 appointment, please   @Michael4MDNP   1825   1830s?   "Blandford Hotel"   Woodbury Hill Fair
 contact his office.
       1870s              1870s    Horse & Jockey       Bere Heath Farm

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