Page 53 - br-august-2019
P. 53

August 2019                          August 2019

 Bere Fest

 The Mid-Summer Bere Fest was a great success at the end of June on the Rec,
 with 23 organisations taking stalls and a combined total of over £1700 raised on
 the day. The Sports Club also graciously gave the Parish Council a donation of
 £200 from their takings on the day and asked
 us  to  donate  it  to  a  charity  of  our  choice,
 which  was  unanimously  chosen  as  Autumn
 Leaves  to  contribute  towards  their  running
 costs and support their series of speakers each
 We would love to hold an event like this again
 with a view to expanding it further, but need a
 team  to  take  this  on.  If  you  would  like  to  be
 involved  in  the  organisation  of  such  an  event
 next  year,  please  contact  Ian  Ventham  on   Perhaps these two lovely ladies?

 See  the  centre  pages  for  a  full  colour  photo  montage  of  the  event.  Thanks  to
 Bernie Lightfoot and the Editor for the photos

 Roads and Transport

 Cllrs  Ian  Ventham  and  Peter  Wharf,  together  with  the  Clerk,  Amanda  Crocker
 recently met with Stephen Mepham and Ian Styring of Dorset Highways to discuss   When you respond to
 the following various issues of concern.
        advertisers, do please tell
 1. Grass cutting throughout the village – The Parish Council is going to look into
 the  possibility  of  taking  over  all  the  grass cutting.  At  the  moment,  it  is  done  by   them you saw their advert
 various authorities with no co-ordination.
           in this magazine  -  it
 2.  Rye  Hill  speed  limits  –  There  have  been  no  reported  collisions  in  this  area.
 Therefore, there is little chance of a change to the current speed limit of 40mph.
 However, the Parish Council is looking into other ways of slowing traffic and will   helps them monitor the
 take over the cutting of the verge along certain stretches.
           effectiveness of their
 3.  Moveable  Speed  Indication  Device  (SID)  –  For  areas  within  the  30mph,  the
 Parish Council is looking into the purchase of SID. The device (and cost) could be   advert and helps us
 shared with other local Parish Councils.
        generate more advertising
 4.. Directional signs – Many are now very overgrown and dirty, but Highways will
 no longer clear or clean them. The Parish Council is looking to take on this role in   revenue!!
 Bryan Benjafield

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