Page 46 - br-august-2019
P. 46

August 2019                                                                          August 2019
                                                                                           DRAX HALL
                          AUTUMN LEAVES

                          OVER  50’S CLUB                                                  The results of the Village Hall Referendum
                                                                                           Held on Saturday 6th July 2019  at 11 am at the Drax Hall
       What a lovely afternoon we had at Autumn Leaves in July!                            45  people  were  present  and  45  people  voted  YES  to
                                                                                           selling the hall  when a new building becomes available.
       The weather was hot, but we were very comfortable in the Scout Hut watching a                                                                  HALL
       real live Burlesque Dancer strutting her stuff.                                     Thank you to everyone who attended this meeting.
       Lou-Lou  La  Belle  was  very  entertaining  and  gave  everybody  the  chance  to
       parade with a feather boa.  She also let us into the secret of looking slimmer when   Public Access Defibrillator outside the Village Hall
       having a photograph taken.   Excellent advice!!
                                                                                           It is very straight forward to use and you are talked through the process as you go.
       In August we will not be having
       a  speaker,  but  entertaining                                                      There is a short film clip on You Tube by the British Heart Foundation  that shows
       ourselves.    Who  knows  what                                                      exactly how to do it DON’T BE AFRAID anyone can do it, and remember  the worst
       that will involve?  Come along                                                      thing you can do when someone’s heart stops is nothing !
       and find out!
       You  can  be  sure  of  a  warm                                                     Village Hall Hiring
       welcome  and  an  excellent
       afternoon tea. Find a friend to                                                     The village hall has two options for hire the large upper Hall at £8 per hour and the
       come  with  you  and  join  the                                                     Lower room at £7 per hour please telephone Lyn Simmonds on 01929 471528 to
       nice  ladies  and  gentlemen  at                                                    discuss your requirements and view the facilities available.
       the  Scout  Hut  on  Wednesday                                                                                                      Alison Bennett 01929 472023
       14  August at 2.30.

                                                                                               When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
                                                                                                 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
                                                                                                  effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
                                                                                                                    advertising revenue!!

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