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August 2019                                                                          August 2019
                                                                                            Fly Tipping
                                                           The  history  society  is
                                                           t h i n k i n g    a b o u t     Enforcement Officers from the Dorset Waste Partnership (DWP) recently worked
                                                           resurrecting  these  old         with Dorset Council’s Legal Services and the police to bring a fly-tipper to justice.
                                                           pubs  for  a  day  to            Without going into all the details, the defendant’s vehicle was seized, and he has
                                                           possibly  to  organize,  a       been referred to Probation for Pre-sentence reports and bailed to reappear at
                                                           Pop  up  pub  crawl,  by         Weymouth Magistrates on Monday 12 August for sentencing. Jeremy Gallagher,
                                                           recreating   the   old           Enforcement Officer at the Dorset Waste Partnership, said: - “This case is a great
                                                           pubs  by  having  stalls         example  of  partnership  working  and  shows  that  DWP  Enforcement  Officers  will
                                                           displays  and  signs  on         pursue criminals involved in this kind of crime.
                                                           or   near   to   these           To find out more about the DWP’s fight against fly-tipping and how you can help,
                                                           indentified  sites.  Signs
                                                                                            please visit
       could be created and erected
       on  or  near  the  buildings  with                                                   Building Better Lives
       potted histories of the buildings
       and  the  people  who  lived  in                                                     Dorset  Council  along  with  NHS  partners,  co-hosted  a  stakeholder  event  in
       them.  There is a great deal of                                                      Wareham in July to show options for new health, care and housing facilities on
       knowledge  about  the  two                                                           the Wareham middle school site. This initiative is part of Dorset Council’s Building
       pubs  we  have,  such  as  the                                                       Better Lives scheme, which aims to use  council-owned land to develop  much-
       murder  of  the  policeman  at                                                       needed  new  housing  and  services  for  local  communities.  Dorset  Council  has
       the   Drax   Arms   and   the                                                        worked  in  partnership  with  Wareham  Town  Council,  Dorset  HealthCare  and
       contributions  of  two  residents                                                    Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group to develop this project. The member lead is
       of  the  Royal  Oak  in  the  1st                                                    our own Laura Miller
       World War.
                                                                                            The  proposed  scheme  in  Wareham  will  include  new  health  and  GP  services,
       There  are  many  buildings  of                                                      extra care housing, supported living (offering care for people with disabilities and
       the village which also have history and plaques could be put up on houses on the     long-term  health  conditions),  recreational  areas,  and  a  range  of  affordable
       route to show other events or places where people of interest lived.  If anyone has   housing  available  to  rent  and  buy  through  the  open market.  The  scheme  also
       any knowledge documents or has done any research into their house the history        offers potential solutions to some of the local traffic issues around the school. The
       society would like to hear from you.  If you are interested in joining research teams   new  health  and  care  hub  will  host  all  the  services  currently  available  at
       or  would  like  to  research  any  aspect  of  the  buildings  (particularly  the  old  pub   Wareham  Hospital,  plus  the  opportunity  to  develop  additional  clinics  and
       sites) please let me know.    Susan Stone 97 North Street 01929 472083 or email on   services.  It  will  also  integrate  with  the  town’s  GP  practice  –  creating  a  more                                                             seamless, ‘one-stop shop’ for local residents.

       We could also investigate the role brewing and beer in the village and have a        High-quality, temporary housing units will be installed on the old  middle school
       good time as well.                                                                   site for the first stage of the scheme. This will be available to local people with
                                                                                            learning disabilities who are currently living in accommodation which doesn’t suit
       If there is enthusiasm for this project the research results could be put into a book   their needs, while more permanent properties are being built on site.
       or  incorporated  in  talks  and  we  might  be  able  to  raise  some  money  for  future
       projects (such as the new village  hall) Please let me know if you are interested    Cllr  Laura  Miller,  Dorset  Council’s  Portfolio  Holder  for  Adult  Social  Care  and
       and would like to help or have any other ideas as t how this might work.             Health, said: “Rather than simply selling off council owned land to big property
                                                                                            developers,  we  are  focussing  on  providing  much-needed  housing  and  health
                                                                                            and care services for local residents in Wareham. I’d like to thank Wareham Town
                                                                                            Council  and  colleagues  from  the  NHS  for  working  with  us  in  partnership  to
                                                                                            develop these proposals, and we look forward to continuing work on this exciting

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