Page 51 - br-august-2019
P. 51

August 2019                          August 2019

 examination  by  a  Government  Inspector  during  July  where  residents  and
 businesses  can  comment  on  the  plan.  The  Inspector  will  then  review  and  will
 report back on the soundness or otherwise of the plan sometime in the autumn. It
 is  being  inspected  as  we  write  this  report  and  we  hope  to  report  back  on  the
 inspector’s initial findings in our September report

 Polling Stations
 Dorset Council is required by law to review all polling district, polling places and
 polling  stations  in  the  Dorset  Council  area  by  31  January  2020.  The  electoral
 register  for  Dorset  Council is  divided into  approximately  400  local  areas  (polling
 districts) and by law every polling district must be assigned a polling place where
 electors  can  go  to  vote.    Around  320  buildings  are  used  as  polling  stations  by
 Dorset Council with most being village and church halls, schools and community
 centres.  This review aims to ensure that voting arrangements for future elections
 suit  the  needs  of  electors  in  each  area,  so  that  electors  have  access  to
 reasonable facilities for voting.
 The Council is consulting the public to seek their comments on the suitability of the
 polling  station  where  they  voted  in  person  on  2  May.    The  Council  is  also
 consulting  local  political  parties,  local  party  agents,  Parish  and  Town  councils,
 MPs, MEPs and local disability groups.
   The review has started and the first round of consultation will end on 27 August
 2019.    Dorset  Council  would  very  much  welcome  your  views.  The  consultation
 document and information about the current polling arrangements are available
 online at the Dorset Council website. Please note that no changes can be made
 to  existing  ward  or  parish  boundaries  during  this  review  and  that  any
 recommendations  need  to  be  in  alignment  with  existing  parliamentary
 constituency, ward and parish boundaries.

 Electric Charging Points

 The  Council  have  signed  up  to  a  framework  agreement  and  are  in  early
 discussions with a supplier of charging points. We want to put these in locations
 where  we  believe  they  will  be  most  useful  to  best  serve  your  communities,
 businesses  and  visitors.  Examples  of  suitable  locations  include,  but  are  not
 exclusive to:
 Car  parks  –  owned  either  by  your  organisation  (public  sector  only)  or  Dorset
 Council;  Visitor  Attractions,  and  Paid  on-street  parking.  Please  pass  any
 suggestions you have onto your Parish Council who have already been notified of
 this and many have made suggestions based on their local knowledge.

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