Page 52 - br-august-2019
P. 52

August 2019                                                                          August 2019

       DORSET TRADING STANDARDS                                                                    COMMUNITY BUS AND LUNCH CLUB SCHEDULE FOR 2019

       Dorset Council Trading Standards Service check and approve                           6  August      Communibus – Romsey via the New Forest        10.00am
       businesses so you don’t have to.                                                     15  August     Salt & Pepper Club                            12.00pm
       For more information visit or                           20  August     Communibus – Ottery Nursery, Exeter           10.00am
       call 08454 040506.                                                                     th
                                                                                            10  September  Communibus – Salisbury                        10.00am
       To report or seek advice about problems you have                                       th
                                                                                            19  September  Salt & Pepper Club                            12.00pm
       experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.
                                                                                            24  September  Communibus – Haskins Garden Centre            10.00am
                                                                                            8  October     Communibus – Yeovil                           10.00am
       Scam victims to be refunded by their bank                                            17  October    Salt & Pepper Club                            12.00pm
       People  who  make  a  payment  to  an  account  that  they  believe  belongs  to  a   22  October   Communibus – Wimborne Minster                 10.00am
       legitimate person or business, that turns out to be a fraudulent account run by a    5  November    Communibus – Christchurch                     10.00am
       scammer, will now in most cases be given a refund by their bank.
                                                                                            19  November   Communibus – Bridport                         10.00am
       The added protection for consumers is due to a new code of practice agreed by          st
       most major banks. The code states that victims should be reimbursed unless they      21  November   Salt & Pepper Club                            12.00pm
       ignored  their  bank's  warnings  about  the  scam  or  were  ‘grossly  negligent’  in   3  December   Communibus – Winchester Christmas Market   10.00am
       transferring the money.                                                              17  December   Communibus – Salisbury Christmas Market       10.00am
       It applies to scams reported from Tuesday 28 May and only to transfers of money      19  December   Salt & Pepper Club                            12.00pm
       between UK accounts, overseas accounts aren't covered. Until now, while banks
       have  generally  given  refunds  when  payments  are  fraudulently  made  without
       customers'  authorisation,  they  haven't  been  obliged  to  give  a  refund  when
       someone has been tricked into making a payment themselves.                          DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT
       This  type  of  scam  is  called  an  Authorised  Push  Payment  (APP)  scam  as  the
       customer unwittingly authorises the payment to be made, usually either online, in   Winfrith Technology Park
       person or over the phone. It is reported that £228.4 million was lost in 2018 due to
       APP scams.                                                                          – Very Good News!
       The voluntary code commits banks that are signed up to it to a series of measures   Although  the  news  remains
       to  tackle  APP  fraud,  such  as  educating  customers  about  scams  and  how  they   confidential  for  the  moment  we
       work. The code also encourages banks to identify customers who are at higher risk   can  say  that  we  believe  two
       of becoming a victim, warn customers when they've spotted a scam and try to         industrial  units  are  likely  to
                                                                                           commence occupation very soon
       delay payments while investigating.
                                                                                           and they are two companies who
       Scams can have a devastating impact on people, causing distress and hardship,       we  believe  will  attract  further
       some people will have lost whole life savings. This new code is therefore seen a    potential purchasers and tenants.
       real positive step forward until the industry can agree more permanent plans on

       how victims of such scams will be refunded.
                                                                                           Purbeck Local Plan
       If  you  think  you  have  been  a  victim  of  this  type  of  scam,  then  report it  to  your
       bank. For advice about scams and to report something to Trading Standards call      The plan is what sets out the vision for planning, housing and infrastructure for the
       the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454 04 05 06.                            next  16  years.  This  has  now  been  submitted  and  will  be  the  subject  of  an

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