Page 44 - br-august-2019
P. 44

August 2019                                                                          August 2019
        BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP                                                            POP IN PLACE NEWS

                                                                                            Pop In Place needs more volunteers to

                                                                                            serve teas or drive clients welcome
                         There will be no meeting of the floral group during  August,
                         but on Tuesday, September 10  we look forward to a willow          Could  you become a  volunteer and help to serve the
                         workshop in which members will be making willow baskets.           teas  at  our    Monday  or  Friday  morning    cafes  or  maybe  you  could  become  a
                                                                                            driver or talk to the clients ? These tasks are all done on a rota basis so you don’t
                         This will be held in Puddletown church hall.  Bring a packed       have to do it every week .
       lunch.  The cost of the workshop is £10.
                                                                                            A big thank you to all who already volunteer with us we appreciate that you are
       For all details, contact secretary Sue Stone on 01929 472083.                        giving your time to enhance the life of others and it is greatly appreciated.

                                                                                            Pop In Place Community Shed
                                                 Quality Tax and                            We would welcome cash donation towards the set up costs of this new initiative,
           KingsBere                                Accounting                              or are you able to donate wood ,tools, or skill sharing in the future  please get in
                                                                                            touch with me.
                                                                                            There are “Men’s sheds popping up all over the UK, it is a place to get people
           Accountants                     For professional advice, dealing with all        together  to  help  to  combat  isolation  encourage  wellbeing  and  to  share  skills
                                                aspects of accounts and tax
                                                                                            working on a variety of woodwork projects.

                                           Day and evening appointments available           We  are  currently  working with  Vitacress    to  open  a  shed in  Bere Regis it  will  be
                                                                                            open for both men and woman and have special workshop Saturday mornings
                                                                                            for youngsters with an appropriate adult.
                 Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304
                                                            Movement to Music at the Pop In Place on Monday Mornings
                                                                                            (Upper Hall )
                                                                                            We are a friendly group meeting Mondays 9.30am for 40 minutes; it is for anyone
                                                                                            who wants to take a little more exercise but is not mega fit. The sessions will be led
                                                                                            by one of our team Julie Lye who has a choreography background and designed
                                                                                            routines especially for this client group with suitable music and movement.
                                                                                            We are asking for a £4 fee per person per week.. You are very welcome to visit
                                                                                            the Pop In Place Community Café after the class for refreshments.
                                                                                            Come along and give it a try, you will be made very welcome.

                                                                                            Pop In Place Community Café
                                                                                            There is a warm welcome for all at the Pop In Place Community Café we operate
                                                                                            the café’s on Monday and Friday mornings 10am until 12 noon. On the Friday we

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