Page 18 - br-august-2018
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August 2018                                                                          August 2018
                                                                                            BERE REGIS SPORTS
       For  B.A.  (Born  Again)  Christians  there  is  another  far  more  majestic  coming,  the
       coming again of Christ Jesus to Jerusalem, the place He departed from over 2000      CLUB
       years ago.  In a moment, with a loud trumpet sound, Jesus will arrive on earth as
       “King of kings and Lord of lords”, to reign forever in peace. 1Corinthians 15:51-52
       With  ‘concord’, meaning harmony and oneness, do we, as believers pray in faith     Website:
       and look heavenward for Christ’s Coming Again, with great joy and expectation?
                                                                                           OPENING TIMES
       In Matthew 25:1-13 Jesus told a very intriguing parable about ten bridesmaids all
       invited to a wedding and waiting for the coming of the bridegroom.  Five of the     The Sports Club regular opening times are as follows:
       bridesmaids  were  wise  and  well  prepared  with  oil  in  their  lighted  lamps  and   Friday  7.30 p.m.
       additional oil in a vessel, but the other five were foolish because they had brought
       no extra oil with them.  All the bridesmaids fell asleep because they were tired of   Saturday  4.30 p.m.
       waiting.  At midnight a cry was heard “The Bridegroom is coming, go out to meet
       Him.”  The wise trimmed their lamps and were ready, the foolish were not ready,     Sunday  2 p.m. – 6 p.m.
       and wanted to borrow oil from the wise. There was not enough to share so the        Opening times may vary due to televised sport, please check the BRSC website
       foolish went to buy oil, and while they were gone the Bridegroom arrived, the wise   for details of any such changes.
       went in to the wedding feast and the door was shut.  The foolish ones had missed
       out, for it is not possible to ‘borrow’ salvation from someone else, it is a personal   The clubhouse is available for functions e.g. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Wakes.
       decision.  Jesus said, “You must be born again.” John 3:5-8
                                                                                           For  further  info  please  contact   Andy  Kent,
       How important it is that each person individually is ready now for that great day  or Tel. 01929 471079

       when  Jesus  returns  to  Jerusalem,  by  knowing  now  that  Jesus  is  their  Lord  and
       Saviour.  The  speed of His coming will not give time for any last minute change of
       heart and mind!  “Now is the time of God’s favour, now is the day of salvation”.    Cricket Section – Home Fixtures in
       2Corinthians 6:2                                                                    August
                                                                 Rev Ray Healey            Saturday 4   - Shroton
                                                                                           Saturday 11   – Marnhull II
        BERE HEATH METHODIST                                                               Sunday 12th  -  ROGS (Friendly)
        CHAPEL                                                                             Saturday 18   -  Broadstone
       The  next  Service  at  the  Chapel  will  be  on  Sunday  5                        Saturday 25   -  Blandford II
       August  at  3.00pm  and  will  be  led  by  one  of  our  local                     Monday 27th -  Leaside (Friendly)
       preachers, Gill Bumpfrey.
       We  will  be  having  our  popular  Vintage  tea  and  craft
       afternoon  on  Saturday  18   August  from  1.30  –  4.00pm.                        Saturday 1st – Poole Town
       Everyone is  welcome.  There  will  be  a  selection  of  craft

       ideas  to  try  and  you  can  bring  your  own  projects  and
       enjoy  a  lovely  tea.  Special  craft  projects  for  children.                    The  Cricket  Section  is  looking  to  form  a  Ladies  Social  Cricket  team.  Kit  will  be
       £6.00 for adults and £1 for accompanied children.                                   provided and will be in soft ball format. Practice sessions will be held at The Rec
                                                                                           on Sunday mornings at 10.30 a.m.
        For  more  information  contact  the  stewards:  Karen  Smith  (01929  471339),
       Caroline Harrison (01929 471378).                                                   Any interested Ladies are welcome to attend the sessions with a view to forming
                                                                                           a team.

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