Page 22 - br-august-2018
P. 22

August 2018                                                                          August 2018
                                                                                                Drink plenty - avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks, which can dehydrate
       are now trying to work with Network Rail to persuade them to put up with a Poole
                                                                                                 you further
       Rail crossing type solution.
                                                                                                Choose cool foods, such as salads
       Surgery                                                                                  Avoid excessive physical activity during the hotter parts of the day

       Surgeries  are  held  on  the  first  Saturday  of  every  month.  These  are  held  at  the      Remain in the shade if possible between the hours of 11.00-3.00pm
       communal Lounge in Turberville Court in Bere Regis from 09.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m.
       If  you  have  any  questions  or  queries  related  to  the  business  of  Purbeck  District      Keep rooms cool by covering windows
       Council please do come along. If anyone wants to contact me and cannot get               Exposed skin should be covered by sunscreen
       to the surgery my email address is
                                                                                                Wear cool  loose clothing and  a wide brimmed hat
                                                    Peter Wharf - District Councillor
                                                                                           For more information see NHS Choices via the Surgery website

       DORSET COUNTY COUNCIL                                                               Flu Clinics 2018 -dates for your diary!

                                                                                           Subject to vaccinations arriving on the agreed dates, this year’s flu clinics will be
       Full steam ahead for changes to SEND
                                                                                           held on the following dates, times and venues
                                                                                                Wednesday  19th  September  -  over  65’s  with  long  term  conditions,  by
       Dorset  County  Council’s  Children’s  Services  has                                      invitation, at the Practice
       pulled  out  all  the  stops  following  an  inspection  by
       the Department for Education (DfE) in January 2017.                                      Friday 19th October – includes children, at the Practice from 14.00
       The inspection identified that the local area needed
       to improve in four areas to turn around its service for                                  Saturday 3rd November -include children, at the Scout Hut, Bere Regis, 8.30
       families  who  have  a  child  or  young  person  with                                    -13.00
       special educational needs or a disability (SEND).                                   If  you feel  that  you  would  like  your  vaccination  earlier  than  our  October  clinic,
                                                                                           please contact Reception. If we have sufficient supplies we will be able to honour
       The  four  main  areas  for  improvement  were:  Joint
       working,   how   we   assess   a   child’s   needs,                                 your request.
       communication  with  families  and  how  we  monitor                                If  you  let  the  Receptionists  have  your  mobile  number,  we  can  send  you  an
       our  effectiveness.                                                                 appointment reminder!

       Since then the council has radically changed the way it does things to ensure it
       works  more  effectively  with  its  partners  in  health  and  schools  and  is  trying  to
       communicate better with parents and carers.
       The county council has also recently had confirmation that its proposal to invest

       £3million into SEND  provision has been successful.  Plans are in place to create
       eight  specialist  bases  in  mainstream  schools  across  the  county  to  cater  for   When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
       children  with  complex  communication  needs  as  well  as  the  creation  of  a  new   their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
       special school at the former Bovington Middle School. This new school will provide
       places for 160 children with autism, as well as social, emotional and mental health       effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
                                                                                                                   advertising revenue!!
       As part of national SEND reforms that were introduced in 2015, the DfE stipulated
       all  councils  must  transfer  all  the  Statements  of  Special  Educational  Need  to

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