Page 17 - br-august-2018
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August 2018                          August 2018
 For further information please  contact:   Andy Kent or
 Tel 01929 471079 or Herbie Swann Tel  01929 472812  Mobile 07753 820730   BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH

        Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by
        visiting  preachers.

        August  is  very  much  the  holiday  month  of  the  year,  and  we  love  to  welcome

        visitors to our 10.30am Sunday morning service.  It is also the time of our Truth 4
        Youth conference for teenagers and young adults. Truth 4 Youth, which runs over
        the Bank Holiday weekend from 24-27 August, brings the truth of God’s Word to
        young people.  This will be the fifteenth year that young people from all over the
        country  will  meet  at  Heatree  Activity  Centre  in  Devon  for  four  days  of  Bible
        teaching,  many different outdoor activities and good food! The team from  the
        Chapel  will  welcome  over  180  guests  to  Heatree,  and  also  the  four  speakers.
        God  has  greatly  blessed  these  teaching  conferences  over  the  years  and  our
        prayers are that He will do the same this year, equipping and encouraging young
        people in their Christian faith.
 Small load  £80    Large load £175
        ‘Concord – with one accord’

        Some time ago I watched a repeated
        programme  on  TV  about  Concorde,
        which  told  the  story  of  the  arrival  of
        Concorde  Flight  BA002  from  New  York
        to  Heathrow  on  24   October  2003.
        Ac c o mp a ni e d  b y  t wo  o ther
        Concordes, it marked the end of a very
        special  era.    The  three  planes  landed
        within  minutes  of  each  other  in  true
        concord,  harmony  and  oneness,  even
        though  it  was  hardly  peaceful,  with  the  rolling  thunder  of  the  four  Olympus
        engines that powered each supersonic plane.
        The  design  of  Concorde  began  in  1956,  and  it  first  flew  at  Toulouse,  France  in
        1969, but it was not until 1976 that passenger services began, with BA flying from
        Heathrow  to  America  in  3⅟2  hours  at  Mach2,  twice  the  speed  of  sound,  at  a
        height of 50,000 feet.  Its cigar shaped interior carried only 100 passengers, and its
        drooping nose cone and two eyed windscreen made it look like a sad swan!
        The terrible crash of the Air France Concorde in July 2000 marked the beginning
        of the end for a very expensive, yet glorious supersonic flying machine.
        Right to the end the expected coming of Concorde caused many people, like
        myself,  to  look  heavenwards  to  see  and  hear  this  majestic  man  designed  and
 839209   made bird in flight, and listen for the sonic boom as it broke the sound barrier.

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