Page 15 - br-august-2018
P. 15

August 2018                          August 2018

 NEWS   I  am  sure  you  will  all  have  noticed  the  new  gates  at  the  entrance  to  the

 VILLAGE HALL NEWS   The old gates had been kindly donated in memory of Mr Kellaway over 30 years
        ago. Sadly, they had deteriorated over the years and often had to be left open
        because,  once  closed,  they  were  so  hard  to  re-open  to  gain  access  to  the
 Village Hall Floor
 For  some  time  now  it  has  been  evident  that  the
 wood flooring to the main hall is in need of repairs,   The  PCC  had  discussed  their  replacement  on  many  occasions  but  knew  this
        would be a considerable expense.  Mr Simon Kidston, whose family used to live
 sanding  and  re-varnishing.  After  identifying   at Southover and are buried in the churchyard, offered to pay for new gates.
 specific  problem  areas  and  exploring  options   Needless to say, the PCC very thankfully accepted.
 alongside  the  Bladen  Social  Club  who  are
 responsible for the skittle alley we have arranged   Mr  Simon  Thomas  Pirie,  whose  workshop  and  studio  is  at  Rogers  Hill  Farm,  was
 for the work to be done in October. Most of the works will be done during the half   engaged  to  undertake  the  work.  Various  designs  were  considered  but  it  was
 term week to minimize disruption to regular users. Unfortunately we will need two   decided to keep the new gates very similar to the ones they were replacing and
 weeks  minimum  time  to  allow  for  the  works  and  the  drying  and  curing  of  the   the existing ironwork was reused.
 coating,  but  the  hall  will  be  back  in  action  and  better  than  ever  as  soon  as
 possible.   The new gates are made of seasoned, local oak and have not been coated so
        they will, in time, weather down in the same way as the old ones did.

 Artsreach   The PCC, and those wanting to get in and out of the churchyard with ease, are
        very  grateful  to  the  Kidston  family  for  their  kind  gift  and  to  Simon  Pirie  for  his
 We have been very fortunate to be offered a performance in the afternoon on   excellent craftsmanship.
 November  11 .  The  performance  is entitled  ‘The  Gathering’  Messages  from  The
 Great War. Written in Dorset and telling the story of two Dorset soldiers who fought   Elizabeth Whatley and Stephen Sanderson - Churchwardens
 in World War One it should provide an interesting insight. More information will be
 available in due course.

 Volunteers are currently selling tickets for the next years’ club. The new manager   The  2018  Ride  +  Stride  will  take  place  on  Saturday  8th  September.  Last  year's
 of the operation is Mike Menzies who is in hospital and directing matters from his   sponsored riders and striders raised over £86 000 for Dorset Historic Churches Trust.
 bed on his IPhone. We all wish Mike a good recovery from what has been a trying   If you wish to take part please contact Pat Wharf at Bere Regis or Richard Killer at
 time for him and those close to him, and thank him for his work on behalf of the   Affpuddle.

 The winner of the £30.00 prize for June was ticket no. 41.


 The new mobile phone has been purchased and should be fully functioning as the
 only number to call to book the hall. This means that no matter who is in post and
 handling  the  booking  process,  you  will  always  use  the  same  contact  number.

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