Page 23 - br-august-2018
P. 23

August 2018                          August 2018

 Please see Carers’ Noticeboard in Surgery Waiting Room for any updates. Please
 contact Mechelle or Jo for any information.

 Hot Weather conditions
 During this extended  spell of very hot weather we must all take extra precautions
 to  keep  cool.  While  everyone  is  at  risk  of  dehydration,  great  exhaustion  and
 heatstroke, certain groups are more at risk. These include:
    Elderly

    Infants and young children
    Those  with  existing  chronic  medical  conditions  e.g.  such  as  heart  and
 respiratory problems
    People with mobility problems

    Those who abuse drugs or alcohol
    Fit and healthy people who exert themselves in heat by taking part in sports
 or athletics
 How to keep cool

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