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April 2023                            April 2023

 A new series with interviews from Janey Gordon

 Pat Wharf   Sundays 10.30am Morning Service, Taken by visiting preachers, or our

  ‘If you want something done, find the busiest person you know and ask them to   Youth Worker, John Williams.
 do it!’
       Our services also go out live on YouTube (
 In Bere Regis there are a number of people who give their time and energies to   BereRegisChapel or search ‘Bere Regis Chapel).’
 support the local community and individuals who live here. They are the busiest
 people you will ever meet. They contribute freely to the village and make full use   Mondays at 7:30pm STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.
 of everything the local area has to offer.    Tuesdays at 7.30pm Bible Study and Prayer, meeting in the Manse and

 They are our ‘Local Heroes’.   also on zoom.
 The parish magazine is running a short series about some of these people to find   Wednesdays at 9.30am Chapel Toddler Group, contact Suzie on
 out a little more about them. In the second in this series, I spoke to Pat Wharf, who   07962142552
 told me about the main things in her life.
       During  spring  our  calendars  contain  several  patron  saint  days  of  the  home
 Janey: Pat, what is most important to you?   nations. Early in March there is St. Davids day, the patron saint of  Wales. In mid
       April  we  have  St  Geroge’s  day,  the  patron  saint  of  England,  but  in-between  is
 Pat : “My motivation is my faith.    perhaps one of the most widely celebrated patron saints day across the whole
 I  am  particularly  interested  in  church  outreach  and  giving  people  a  space  in   globe; that of St. Patrick's day.
 church. I feel that  the church  should  care about  its non-members  as  well  as its   St. Patrick was a remarkable person. Despite being celebrated in Ireland, he was
 members and in particular give space to children.   actually an Englishman.  Around the age of 16, he was captured by Irish pirates

 So, there are three areas that I am most deeply involved with our own church, St   and  effectively  forced into slavery.  Six  years  later,  he managed to escape and
 John the Baptist, Bere Regis’. These are Junior Church; the Bible Society’s ‘Open   return  to  his  family  in  England,  after  which,  he  converted  to  Christianity  and
 the Book’ Bible Stories and most recently our Thursday Tea and Toast.  I also help   became a minister in the Celtic church.
 out at the West Purbeck Benefice Messy Church, which is once a month at 4.00   Shortly  after  becoming  a
 on  a  Sunday  afternoon.  It  is  just  fun  crafting  with  a  short  message  at  the  end      minister, Patrick decided that
 followed by tea. It rotates around the local churches.   he   would   become   a

 I left school at 17 with A level maths at a time when computer programmers were   missionary,   returning   to
 wanted and being trained. They needed people with maths and so I became a   Ireland   and   taking   the
 programmer. When I was 31, I decided I needed a change of direction, so I did a   transformative  message  of
 Maths  degree  as  a mature student  (Note from  Janey  - No mean feat!).   Then I   the  gospel  back  to  the  very
 went  on  to  do  a  year’s  teacher  training  and  became  a  secondary  maths   people  who  had  enslaved
 teacher.                                            him. Most people would find
                                                     it  natural  to  hold  a  grudge
 As  an  ex-teacher  I  feel  keenly  that  children  are  very  important  and  should  be   and  fell  nothing  less  than
 involved in the church in ways that will engage them. I feel that even if they move   bitterness,  resentment  and
 on and away from the church as they grow up, if it has had an effect on them as   hatred   to   their   former
 a  child,  they  have  something  to  turn  to  or  return  to  later  on.  I  feel  that  church   persecutors,  and  perhaps
 should  be  lively  for  children,  so  I  got  involved  with  Junior  church  in  2005  and   Patrick felt that at one point.

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