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April 2023                                                                           April 2023

       But  his  life  is  one  marked  by  the  good  news  message  of  sins  forgiven  in  Jesus   excited  to  have  arrived  at  their  chosen  resting
       Christ. That message changed Patrick and thus he was able to return to Ireland       ground. Where had they come from? Where are
       and demonstrate the love of Christ toward his enemies.                               they going? So many questions, but not really my
                                                                                            concern.  I  just  felt  privileged  to  have  shared  a
       Legend says that Patrick drove all the poisonous snakes from Ireland. Whilst this is   brief  moment  of  their  journey.  To  marvel  at  the
       unlikely,  it  is  known that  Patrick taught  the  Irish  the  fundamental Christian truths   vision capability they have to navigate and fly at
       about God, including His triune nature (the trinity= one God, but three persons).    night  in  perfect  formation,  the  teamwork  they
       The gospel message is the good news that while we were yet sinners, Christ died      employ  to  take  it  in  turns  moving  up  and  down
       for us. Jesus died for us while we were His enemies, and Patrick in like manner was   the  formation  so  everyone  benefits  from  easier
       enabled by that same love to love his enemies. Christians today should likewise      flying in the wake of those in front. Yet again the
       love the unloveable, but the only way a person can truly and selflessly love others   nocturnal  world  shows  we  can  learn  so  much
       is when they have experienced the love of God themselves through believing the       from nature, if we choose to listen.

                                                                   John Williams            Time  to  move  on.  Down  the  track  to  Throop
                                                                                            passing Glebe House on my left, home to the Rev
                                                                                            William  Ettrick  in  the  early  19th  Century.  Vicar  of
       BERE HEATH METHODIST                                                                 Turners Puddle, or as it was known until around his time Toners Puddle. A complex
                                                                                            character he  seemed  to  have a  problem  with  women,  accusing his  Bere Regis
       CHAPEL                                                                               born  housekeeper/gardener  Susan  of  witchcraft  and  various  dark  arts  after  a
                                                                                            series of unfortunate events starting in 1804. Eventually he removed her from his
                                                                                            employment but thankfully she survived and lived to eighty dying in 1838. I believe
       What’s on at Bere Heath Methodist Church                                             according to church records she is buried in the now deconsecrated and private
       in April                                                                             churchyard,  but  despite  the  owner  allowing  me  to  look  I  can  find  no  trace.

       March was a very mixed bag as far as the weather was                                 As for the Rev Ettrick after nearly two decades as vicar he returned to his native
       concerned.  As  we  go  into  April  we  will  have  April                           Sunderland  upon  the  death  of  his  father  in  1808  to  run  his  estate  as  his  was  a
       showers  during  the  month.    How  did  your  Lent  go?  I                         wealthy land owning family. By 1825 his diaries record he had found another local
       hope that you had time to reflect ,do something new  or just simply relax.  As we    witch to blame for failures on the estate.
       approach Easter and follow the events of Holy Week and then sing or say Jesus
       “Christ has risen today “ on Easter Sunday  may we feel the presence of Christ       As I travel that track and lean on those bridges in the early hours I often think of
       with us as we continue on our Faith Journey.                                         Susan,  treading  the  same  paths  over  two  centuries  before,  the  prejudices  and
                                                                                            accusations she had to endure. I wish I saw ghosts, as I would enjoy talking to her
       Sunday 2  April   Palm Sunday  -  Monthly Service at 2pm led by our Minister Rev     one  frosty  night  with  the  river  mist  rising.  The  Rev  Ettrick,  not  so  much.
       John  Yarrien  .  Holy  Communion  will  be celebrated  at the service.    Tea, Coffee   Join me next month through the early hours as the journey continues, through the
       and biscuits served after the service.  All welcome.                                 Piddle  valley  and  beyond...into  the  heart  of  nature  and  imagination.

       Saturday 15  April   - Craft and Kids – 2.30 --3.45pm .(Last Saturday of Half Term
       School  Holidays  )  An  afternoon  for  children  and  their  Parents/Carer      to  come                                                    Simon Goddard
       along  and  have  some  creative  fun  (and  messy  fun  )  .  You  do  not  have  to  be
       creative. Drinks and food during the session. Why not come along , give it a try.
       (Parents can have a go too or just drink coffee)
         Enjoy your Easter Eggs and enjoy April .

            With  best wishes from All at Bere Heath Methodist Church .
                      Peter Jenner – Lay Worker – Children and Families and Outreach .

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