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April 2023                            April 2023

 basic stories.  We have just started again on 1  March with the Creation and the   FROM THE AFFPUDDLE CHURCHWARDEN
 stories are then sequenced, The Fall, Noah and so on, ending with the Acts of the
 Apostles.  The Bible Society provide the scripts and the sessions run over a three or
 four year cycle. Sometimes the story is just told by adults but sometimes we use as
 many children as possible, as ‘extras’.   A Coloured Easter Egg
 Our  drop  in  café,  Tea  and  Toast  (…and  dog  biscuits!)  happens  every  Thursday   So  how  did  you  get  on  with  Lent?  Did  you  give  something  up?  I  gave  up
 morning in the church between 8.00-11.00am.   abstinence for lent – not really, but I did give up alcohol for a while. Easter eggs
       have been on the shelves in the supermarkets for many weeks. They are probably
 This is a relatively new idea, which came about from the cost-of-living crisis and a   all chocolate. That will be my downfall. I don’t have sugar with anything (I put salt
 feeling  that  young  families  might  appreciate  a  light  breakfast  on  the  way  to   in my porridge), but chocolate … yum. But, of course, Easter Eggs should be hen’s
 school or a communal chat, tea and toast on the way back from dropping at the   eggs or duck eggs.
 school. We welcome dogs and have had an increasing number of morning dog
 walkers who may be off to work and enjoy the opportunity to meet up with other   The  traditional  Easter  egg  is  also
 local people for a cup of tea and a dog biscuit before they go!   coloured,  some  use  cochineal  (a
       red  dye  made  from  little  insects!).
 Each of these activities has a committee which I am on and mostly my job is to   The  yellow  dye  comes  from
 chivvy and make sure things get done. But each one is very much a team effort   Turmeric,  and  the  orange  dye
 and I am part of a team that gets these things done.   comes from onions – both plants –
       but  a  lot  of  people  just  use  food
       colouring, or paint (when the egg is
       taken  out  of  the  water).  This  gives
       the opportunity to paint designs on
       the eggs.
   Paul   07788 185048       But  this  digresses  from  the  reason  for  just  eating  eggs.  The  tradition  has  two
   Martin   01929 289323   RHODES TO SUCCESS   explanations that I have found. One is that we are not allowed to eat eggs during
 Electrics   Dog Trainer    lent  (which  is  apparently  how  pancakes  on  Shrove  Tuesday  became  popular).   The other explanation is that eggs represent a new beginning. I take comfort from
       this  reasoning.  That  means  that  anything  that  has  gone  before  is  ignored/
 Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty      Over 15 years Dog Walking   forgotten/ cancelled.
 years’ experience offering:-   experience   t  is  quite  common  for  people,  particularly  older  people,  to  recall  dreadful
  Consumer Unit (fuse      Certified Dog Trainer   memories. What is the worst thing you have ever done? Mine involves a very fast
 board) Replacement      Fully Insured   car  and  a  young  lady,  (my  neighbour’s  daughter)  but  we  weren’t  caught!  Do
  Landlords’ Electrical   DBS Checked   you have a dread which you wish you hadn’t done? That’s where Lent and Easter
 Safety Certificate      come in. If you look in the Gospels, they tell you all about lent, which is when Jesus
       fasted for forty days. (Lent doesn’t include Sundays – so you can eat chocolate
  Additions and      Certified in Pet First Aid   on  Sundays!)  We  all  know  that  Jesus  was  crucified.  Why  -  because  all  those
 Alterations to Existing   To Book your Free Consultation   dreadful  things,  that  make  us  cringe  when  we  remember  them,  are  forgiven  -
 Installations   ignored/ forgotten/  cancelled by  the  crucifixion  of Jesus.  The  law  may  want  to
  Portable Appliance   Tel:    07960 986893   put us in prison or impose a fine, but God doesn’t. Instead, Jesus has taken the
 Testing   rap. Is it a sad time? No, because on Easter Sunday Jesus was brought back to
    01258 880230   life, like a new egg, with absolutely no criminal record. So, confess, repent, and
 No VAT – Fully Insured     paint a smiley face on your egg.
 Part P Compliant   E.Mail:
 Free Estimates                                                    Mike Menzies
 All Work Guaranteed   Facebook & Instagram:@rhodes2success22
                   Church Warden, Lay Worship Leader, St Laurence Church, Affpuddle

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