Page 13 - apr2023
P. 13

April 2023                                                                           April 2023

                                                                                            not only in his capacity as Parish Councillor but as the Village Hall Chairman and
                                                                                            as  Manager  of  the  Village  Shop.  This  contribution  was  thrown  into  sharp  relief
                                                                                            during the pandemic. Stuart’s involvement across all 3 Parish organisations meant
                                                                                            that from a standing start and with the generous help of many others, the Parish
                                                                                            could  respond  quickly  to  the  challenges  of  Covid  for  the  benefit  of  our
                                                                                            Parish Councillors would like to thank Stuart for all his hard work and wish him well
                                                                                            for the future.

                                                                                           VILLAGE HALL NEWS

                                                                                            So as  we enter  April I'm  going to keep  this month
                                                                                            short and sweet, hopefully.  You  will  be  able  to find all
                                                                                            the  regular  events  and  activities  going  on  in  the
                                                                                            hall  on  the  community  website  and  the  hall
                                                                                            But this month I want to remind us all of two  major upcoming events.  The Kings
                                                                                            coronation and our first open gardens since before covid.
                                                                                            On the weekend of the 6th 7th and 8th of may the hall will be available at no cost
                                                                                            for coronation events to move into should the weather be at all unfavourable. I
                                                                                            will be available all weekend and in the event that the hall is needed I will make
                                                                                            sure it is open. Some of the village hall trustees are involved in the various things
                                                                                            going on in celebration of King Charles the 111 coronation. It is hoped that we will
                                                                                            be opening the hall and relaying the actual coronation itself on the big screen in
                                                                                            the hall for all those who would like to witness it as a community event rather than
                                                                                            just at  home.  Most  people who have declared a  preference  are keen  to have
                                                                                            another street party similar to her late majesty's platinum jubilee celebrations and
                                                                                            so that is what we are aiming to do on the Sunday, with the party taking place
                                                                                            outside the hall again so that as before if the it's wet we can all move inside. If
                                                                                            anyone is willing to volunteer to help with the day please let me know and the
                                                                                            various teams can be formed. The tea party on the Sunday afternoon will lead on
                                                                                            into the evening with music and dancing etc.
                                                                                            The other big event this year is "open gardens". 12 households have so far agreed
                                                                                            to open their gardens to the public on the 11th June between 10am and 4pm. To
                                                                                            make  the  event  a  real  success  we  could  do  with  somewhere  in  the  region  of
                                                                                            another 6-10 gardens so if you would be interested in helping in this way please
                                                                                            contact me, my details are at the bottom of this article. There are countless other
                                                                                            jobs to be done in making such an event go off smoothly, helping prepare and
                                                                                            serve food, manning the car park, advertising before the event. Putting up signs
                                                                                            along the roads directing people in and many more. I am starting to collect a list

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