Page 20 - apr2023
P. 20

April 2023                            April 2023

 hedge one of the herd stands alone. Just like that scout sika we silently observe   BISHOP’S LETTER
 each  other,  our  breath  forming  a  ghostly  halo  around  each  other.
 I have often noticed at night when passing sleeping cattle one stands alone and
 to  one  side.  I  ponder  if  they  take  it  in  turns  as  natural  instinct  to  protect  from   I  wonder  whether  we  can  remember  how  we
 predators.  I  have  seen  it  with  sleeping  flocks  of  sheep  too  at  times.  Continuing   were  feeling  3  years  ago  as  we  approached
 downhill I soon reach Turners Puddle, I silently   Easter?    Lockdown  feels  a  long  time  ago,
 walk  the  grass  of  the  far  verge  and      however  I  was  reminded  through  an  article
 successfully  pass  the  farm  without  setting  off   read recently  that  we have  all experienced  a
 the  dogs  that  live  there.  Bearing  left  just   major  trauma  in  our  lives  which  we  have
 before  the  little  church  I  cross  the  first   somehow lived through.   Our thoughts remain
 footbridge  and  ford  on  the  track  to  Throop.   with those suffering from loss and the effects of
 Clear  chalkstream  water  runs    from  the   long Covid  yet  for  the  majority  of us  we  have
 flooded water meadows through the ancient   just  got  on  with  life,  seldom  perhaps  thinking
 sequence of ditches and channels, testament   about  the  changes  we  were  determined  to
 to  the  old  design  to  keep  the  river  Piddle   make then, for the better now.
 within its banks.
       Easter too can be dulled by familiarity, cream eggs and hot crossed buns are no
 I  walk on  towards  Throop,  soon  reaching  the   longer  seasonal,  yet  as  with  Covid,  entering  into  the  annual  desolation  of  Holy
 second ford and footbridge. These are larger,   Week, and emerging joyfully on Easter Day changes us.  Each year, I try to take
 crossing  the  main  river.  The  Piddle  is  running   some time, usually on Maundy Thursday evening, to look back prayerfully at my
 high,  last  months  relentless  rains  still  making   life with gratitude and ahead with hope.
 their presence felt. Like Bere Stream the Piddle
 is  a  classic  chalkstream,  running  cold  and   The  events  of  the  first  Easter  changed  the  course  of  history,  as  death  was
 clear from the chalk to the sea. Chalkstreams   defeated  and  life  in  all  its  fullness  was  made  available  for  all  of  us,  for  all
 are  the  jewel  of  English  rivers  and  we  are   time.  Christ promises to walk with us each day, as he did three years ago, into the
 blessed to have the Piddle and Frome on our doorstep. Along with tributaries like   darkness, into the unknown, and we are called to be transformed, to change as a
 Bere   Stream,   Milborne   Brook   and   Devils   Brook,   all   chalkstreams.   result.  We learn lessons too by looking back, perhaps we wouldn’t do things now
       as  we  did  then?  Traumatic  events  draw  us  to  our  senses,  yet  when  life  gathers

 The temperature is below freezing now in the valley and the river mist rises and   pace again, the bird song we heard, or the neighbour we visited, or the still small
 spreads  across  the  frosty  flooded  water  meadows.  Like  Bere  Stream  the  Piddle   voice, all get lost.
 runs silver in the moonlight, a perfect partner to the ghostly  mist as they dance
 toge ther   on    th e   n e ver   en di n g   journ e y   to   the    sea.   Holy Week gives us the
 Bridge leaning is never time wasted, whether night or day. At night the sound is      gift of drawing breath,
 hypnotic, by day the ever changing swirling patterns. On a full moon I have both.   of   feeling   God’s
 As I stand lost in imagination again I am aware of a slowly increasing crescendo   healing  touch  of  love
 of sound from the north. As it gets closer the mass sound becomes individual...the   once   again.   Let’s
 geese  are  coming!  At  well  past  midnight  in  the  silent  valley  their  sound  is  as   allow   ourselves   to
 impressive as the sight.                                  once  more  be  turned
                                                           upside   down     by
 I stand on the first rung of the bridge handrail to get a better view. Over the tree   Christ’s passion, and to
 line  they  come  perfectly  silhouetted  in  the  moon  bright  sky,  way  too  many  to   live  life  differently  as  a
 count, the sound of their honking so loud I feel they will surely wake everyone from   result.
 T u r n e r s    P u d d l e    t o    B r i a n t s p u d d l e    i f    n o t    A f f p u d d l e !
 The  skein  passes  overhead  in  perfect  vee  formation  as  they  start  to  bank  and    +Karen
 turn,  tipping to their right as they start losing height coming in a large arc over the
 flooded  water  meadow.  Eventually  as  one  they  land,  still  honking  as  though

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