Page 14 - apr2023
P. 14

April 2023                            April 2023

 and hear how the shop and PO fared last year and give us your ideas about what
 we might do next. There will be drinks and nibbles as usual after the meeting.
 We hope to see you in the shop and PO soon. Come and see what we have to
 offer and you might well save yourself a trip into town! If we don’t have what you
 want, let us know either in the shop or by e-mail
 and we will see if we can sort something out.

 As ever, we could always do with an extra pair of hands to help with the many
 different tasks that are necessary to keep the shop and PO providing a service to
 the community. It doesn’t have to be serving behind the counter – we need help
 in collecting supplies and with some admin work. So if you can spare a little time
 please let someone in the shop know or e-mail
 Thank you again to all our volunteers and customers and have a Happy Easter.


 Parish Litter Pick – 11th & 12th March 2023

 Thank you to a small but enthusiastic group of volunteers who showed up over the
 weekend to clean up the Parish.
 As  always,  the  trailer  was  full  to  the  brim  with  bags  full  of  rubbish.  The  main
 difference  this  year  was  that  three  areas  had  such  a  lot  of  rubbish  dumped  or
 such  heavy  items  deposited  that  Dorset  Council  has  been  contacted  with  a
 request to remove it. This development amounted to fly-tipping.

 Whilst the litter pick is an annual event, Parish Councillors are very aware of the
 efforts  during  the  year  of  Parishioners  who  collect  litter  whilst  out  walking.  So,
 thank  you  to  everyone  who  offers  their  time  and  effort  to  keep  our  Parish  an
 incredibly special place to call home.

 Stuart Chorley – Parish Councillor Resignation

 Parish  Councillors  were  sorry  to  hear  of  the  resignation  of  Stuart  Chorley  as  a
 fellow Parish Councillor.  As many of your may know Stuart has been suffering for
 some time with ill health and the time has now come for him to concentrate on
 his own well-being.
 Over his years of service, Stuart has made a major contribution across the Parish,

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