Page 29 - br-april-2022
P. 29

April 2022                                                                           April 2022
                                                                                            POETRY CORNER

                                                                                                                                There, quite soon, its mark was made,
                                                                                                                                no student got a higher grade.
                                                                                                                                Then, with honours, as should be,
                                                                                                                                it got a higher, first degree.

                                                                                                                                And soon, the cause of much debate,
                                                                                                                                my sheep obtained a doctorate.
                                                                                                                                The rarest thing must surely be
                                                                                                                                a black-faced sheep with a Ph.D.

                                                                                                                                 Today my sheep has gone away
                                                                                                                                to do research in the U.S.A.
                                                                                            Unusual Pets :                      And now I must go to the shop,
                                                                                            Black-faced Sheep                   to get mint sauce for a mutton chop.
                                                                                            The strangest pet I've yet to keep                          Chris Nother
                                                                                            has  been  my  woolly,  black-faced
                                                                                            Sheep as pets aren't rare, that's true   Spring Flowers
                                                                                            but mine was odd and clever too.
                                                                                                                                  Flowers, flowers everywhere
                                                                                            It came to school with me each day    With all the joys they bring;
                                                                                            and sat close by, two desks away.     Flowers, blossoms everywhere
                                                                                            And just like all of us at school,    To welcome in the Spring.
                                                                                            it wore a uniform of wool.
                                                                                                                                  Flowers blossom in every shade,
                                                                                            At first my sheep caused lots of laughs   In bright and delicate hue;
                                                                                            but then impressed us with its maths.   In yellow, white and orange,
                                                                                            The usual sheep might bleat and bah   And purple, mauve and blue.
                                                                                            yet mine was good at algebra.
                                                                                                                                  Daffodils, with golden trumpets,
                                                                                            In class my sheep was soon the best   Snowdrops in dazzling bloom;
                                                                                            and came out top in every test.       Crocus of mauve and yellow
                                                                                            It did not mix with ewes or rams      Sent to chase Winter’s gloom.
                                                                                            but worked away to pass exams.
                                                                                                                                  And friendly polyanthus
                                                                                            Its good results were cause for pride   In drifts of gay confusion;
                                                                                            so for an Oxford place it tried.      Dazzling rainbow colours –
                                                                                            At interview, its ease and grace,     Spring flowers in bright profusion.
                                                                                            ensured it of a college place.
                                                                                                                                                 Eileen Richardson

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