Page 24 - br-april-2022
P. 24

April 2022                            April 2022

 map  reading,  yay!    To  keep  safe  much  of  the  programme  has  been  outdoors   DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT
 even in the "dark term".
 Patrol  Leaders  (the  most  experienced  Scouts)  held  a  Patrol  Leader  Council  to   A statement from the Leader
 help plan the start of 2022. They came up with some brilliant ideas which we will   of Dorset Council, Cllr
 deliver  up  to  Easter.  February  will  see  the  return  of  our  famous  "24  hour  flash
 camps" - starting with  Frostbite Camp, brrrr!   Spencer Flower on the crisis
       in Ukraine:

 Kingsbere Explorer Unit   We  are  deeply  saddened  by  the
       tragic  events  unfolding in  Ukraine  Our
 Kingsbere  Explorers  had  a  busy  autumn  term  full  of  exciting  outdoor  activities.   thoughts  are  with  those  affected  by
 They have been orienteering at Upton House and around the walls in Wareham,   this  conflict  and  we  are  following  the
 making guys for the Scout Bonfire night, solving teamwork problems, skibobbing   situation closely.  Dorset  Council  has  a
 and ringoing at Matchams alpine centre and getting festive with Christmas crafts   proud  history  of  welcoming  new
 and  party  nights.  The  New  Year  programme  will  include  geocaching,  map   arrivals at times of crisis to offer homes and support so families and individuals can
 reading and campcraft, the Alternative Highland Games (on Burn’s Night), some   build new lives here.
 Chinese New Year cooking, climbing at the Project in Poole, and making wood-
 fired pizza in the woods!   We  are  waiting  for  the  Government  to  further  clarify  details  of  its  schemes  for
       Ukrainian  refugees  so  we  can  plan  effectively  and  quickly.  We  will  keep  you
 Some  of  the  Unit  members  attended  a  District  Explorer  Camp  at  the  end  of   updated  with  how  you  can  help  with  this  as  soon  as  we  know  more.  We
 October at Bowling Green Wood campsite in Lulworth. Halloween camp involved   understand many people are very concerned about the situation in Ukraine and
 all sorts of spooky fun and activities and included a hike to the coast.    want to help. At the moment, the best way you can help is the best way to help is
       by making a cash donation to an organisation such as the British Red Cross or Save
 Ben,  who  joined  our   the Children who are responding to the humanitarian crisis. These organisations are
 Explorers  back  in  May      already working on the ground and can direct support in the quickest and most
 was  awarded  a  Chief   appropriate  ways.  In  addition,  we  are  currently  participating  in  a  number  of
 Scout’s  Unsung  Heroes   refugee resettlement schemes, and we do require more private, affordable homes
 Award by Bear Grylls on   in Weymouth and Dorchester for refugee families. If you are able to help with our
 8 t h    O c t o b e r    i n           housing    needs,    please   contact
 Birmingham.  Ben  built       
 and  camped  out  every
 night  in  an  Anderson                 Dorset  Council  and  BCP  Council  have
 shelter  in  his  garden                joined  voices  from  across  the  country  –
 d u r i n g    t h e    f i r s t       indeed the world – in support of the people
 lockdown,  then,  after                 of  Ukraine,  and  the  country’s  flag  is  now
 seeing   the   dramatic                 flying  from  both  Dorset  County  Hall  and
 rescue   scenes   from                  Bournemouth Civic Centre., County Hall will
 Durdle  Door  on  the                   also be lit in yellow and blue.
 news,  decided  to  raise
 money  (now  over  £5000  including  gift  aid)  whilst  camping  out  for  Dorset  and
 Somerset Air Ambulance. An amazing achievement!   Relationships with Russia
 Many of our Explorers are taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.   A number of you have asked about any connections we may have with Russia or
 We are planning a DofE training camp at the end of January and will be running   Russian companies. To the best of our knowledge, Dorset Council does not have
 Bronze and Silver expeditions at the end of April. We are also able to offer Gold   any direct relationship with Russia or Russian companies.
 expeditions for those who are participating at this level.

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