Page 31 - br-april-2022
P. 31

April 2022                                                                           April 2022
                                                                                                                 BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP
       A detailed survey has been undertaken of the fingerposts within the parish and a
       list of works drawn up. This involves painting, replacing fingers and lettering and
       installing  missing  fingerposts.  The  work  should  be  underway  during  the  next  few                The demonstrator for March was Lucy Ellis and her theme
       months.                                                                                                   was  Opera  goes  to  the
                                                                                                                 Movies  -   part 2

       Allotments                                                                                                Lucy’s love of Opera started
                                                                                                                 with  Pretty  Women  which
       A  license  agreement                                                                                     featured  songs  from  La
       has    now     been                                                                                       Traviata.  She  has  loved
       finalised   between                                                                                       opera ever since.
       Dorset  Wildlife  Trust
       and the Parish Council                                                                                    Her first display was a tribute
       for us  to formally  take                                                           to the Fifth Element movie which has opera in it. In this
       o v e r       t h e                                                                 one  Lucy  covered  the  back  with  aspidistra  leaves.
       management  of  the                                                                 Aztec  finger  choisya  and  draceneae,  and  using
       Court  Farm  allotments                                                             black  oasis.  The  bright  blue  delphiniums  provided  a
       from  1   April  2022.  All                                                         graphic linear design with repeating blooms of
       existing   allotment                                                                different  heights.  These  were  to  represent  the
       holders    will   be                                                                elements  ,  blue  for  water.  There  was  loads  of
       contacted     during                                                                dried plant material now readily available and
       March asking them to confirm if they wish to continue with their allotment and to   genetically  modified  carnations  in  bright
       agree the new Tenancy Agreement which has been drawn up by Dorset Wildlife          purple.  The  orange  heliconia  (false  bird  of
       Trust. Cllr  Robin  Pitcher  will take  on  the responsibility  of  dealing with  the  day-to-  paradise) finished off the effect.
       day running issues of the allotments.
                                                                                           Next came Sureshank Redemption. This had a
                                                                                           hedgerow base, all from Lucy’s garden. Acuba

       North Street Gate                                                                   japonica  variegated.  Bunched  grasses.  A
                                                                                           strong  linear  structure,  interspersed  with  ferns.
       It was agreed that the Parish Council will take on the cost of purchasing a new     At  the  base  it  was  filled  out  with  asparagus
       gate  and  will  deal  with  Highways  regarding  installing  it  and  getting  the  area   fern.  Grevillia,  in  a  deep  purple  colour  was
       tidied. In addition, we will be looking at the installation of a motorbike inhibitor in   placed in front of the ferns, together with Ribes
       an  effort  to  discourage  the  current  habit  of  motorbikes  using  North  Street  as  a   Icicle, a white variety. Finally, across the base,
       short  cut  to  the  Shell  Garage  roundabout.  In  the  meantime,  the  Wildlife  Group   small  fir  cones.  Ornithogalum  was  placed  on
       have kindly volunteered to cut back and tidy up the vegetation in the area.         each  tower,  accompanied by  orange  peach
                                                                                           gerbera and peach and yellow roses.

       Community Speed Watch                                                               The  third  display  was  Pretty  Woman.  Using  a
                                                                                           large  carmine  vase,  Lucy  started  with  some
       It is with considerable regret that it looks as though this valuable resource will have   silver  painted  contorted  hazel.  Large  palm
       to fold as  no-one  has  come  forward  to take  on  the role of co-ordinator.  Angie   leaves were placed on the diagonal and large
       and Ian Wright have done a wonderful job over the last year and our thanks are      bergenia leaves  to hide  the  mechanics.  Short
       extended to them and their team of volunteers. If anyone is able to act as co-      dracenae  were  used  fill  in.  Four  red  gerberas
       ordinator,  please  contact  the  Clerk.  In  the  meantime,  we  wish  Angie  and  Ian   were  placed  up  the stems  of the  hazel  along
       good luck and happiness in their new home.                                          with bright carnations in pink and red. Fabulous

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