Page 28 - br-april-2022
P. 28

April 2022                            April 2022
 the hobby stoops on sickle wing
 Studland   Street lighting
      to snatch the darting dragonfly.
 Amongst  the  strand  line’s  scattered     Brown bracken hides the basking snake   The link below allows you to report a fault with a street light and It also shows if a
 weed,   particular light is DC’s responsibility.
 discarded by the retreating sea,   and timorous lizard from prying eyes   Dorset   Street   Lighting   Services   |   Report   a   fault   with   an   item
 small, nervous waders probe to feed,   while just above the limpid lake   (
 and exposed sand hoppers flee.   sleek swallows sweep the azure skies.

    Around dark pools, midst the mossy carr
 Across that shimmering, rippled sand,
 revealed now by the ebbing tide,   green ferns unfurl and lichens show   The articles below are available on request – Please contact
 the gulls and oyster catchers stand   and where bog cotton grasses are   Peter
 above where buried bivalves hide.   the asphodels and sundews show.      Holiday Activity Fund (HAF)

    And  in  damp  hollows  where  sallows
 And where the wind blown sands amass,   stand      Council’s Community Recovery Grants
 bleached by the rays of summer sun,   with peeling birch and stunted pines,      Improving Energy efficiency
 creeps the blue grey sea lyme grass   jewelled damselflies dance then land
 to hold the infant dunes begun.   where dappled sunlight shines.      Platinum Jubilee celebrations
            Boosting mobile digital coverage.
 Beyond every fledgling, sandy mound,     The pungent myrtle’s cast bronze hues
 extended by each settling grain,   edge the bogs this heathland holds      Lyme and Charmouth by-election
 the spikes of marram blades abound   and autumn bracken paints the views      Organisational Support Revenue Fund (OSRF) round 2
 in an undulating dune terrain.   with russet harmonies and golds.
            Social Work Degree Apprenticeship
 Inland, away from the shifting beach,     Between  sheltered  harbour  and  open   Swanage Ambulance Car
 protected by each ridge of sand,   sea,   
 the slacks are safe from tidal reach   the heath, its bogs and hills of sand      Transformation project savings report
 and heathers gird the land.   create the subtle fragility      Purbeck Gateway

 Within this haunt of furze and ling,   that marks this precious land.
 where warblers hide and curlews cry,   Chris Nother
       We  are  not  (yet)  holding  face  to face  meetings  for  the  moment.  However,  we
 Cruising on the Volga   would  be  more  than  delighted  to  talk  to  you  on  the  telephone  or  via  Zoom.
       Please ring or email us with some details so that we can prepare ourselves. Peter’s
 Cruising on the Volga on a bright and sunny day;   email address is telephone 07986 600799 and Laura’s is
 Everyone is happy as the balalaikas play.  telephone 07814 569563
 Winter days are over and hearts begin to sing;   Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck
 Stormy days are over, let’s welcome in the Spring.

 Come and join us on the river as the water travels fast;
 Now the ice has melted, better days are here at last.
 Everyone’s light-hearted, they’re joining in the dance;
 Everyone is happy as the melody enchants.

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