Page 25 - br-april-2022
P. 25

April 2022                                                                           April 2022
       In terms of energy suppliers, Dorset Council does not have any direct contractual
       links with Gazprom, or any other Russian supply. We have a contract for gas via       BERE REGIS SCOUT GROUP
       Laser  buy  group  with  Total  Gas  &  Power,  and  liquid  gas  with  FloGas.  It’s  worth
       saying  we  do  not  necessarily  know  about  the  full  supply  chains  of  those  we   Happy  New  Scouting  Year!  Despite  all  the  Covid
       contract  with.  We  are  committed  to  reducing  our  carbon  footprint  and  our   restrictions, all of our four sections; Beavers age 6 -
       reliance  on  fossil  fuels  and  along  with  significant  investment  over  the  next  five   8; Cubs  age  8- 10½; Scouts  10½- 14; Explorers 14-
       years, in services for residents and in our buildings, we are also working to divert   18, have started the New Year refreshed after the
       our pension fund away from investment in fossil fuels.                               Christmas  break.  In  these  difficult  and  uncertain
       We  do  have some  indirect  exposure to Russian  companies  through the pension     times  for  our  young  members  we  hope  to  bring
       fund’s  investments  in  an  emerging  markets  equity  fund  managed  by  Brunel    some  degree  of  stability,  continuity,  normality  and  fun  through  our  weekly
       Pension  Partnership,  Dorset’s  investment  pooling  manager.  The  value  of  this   evening meetings and occasional weekend activities
       exposure  is  estimated  to  be  approximately  £5m  or  0.13%  of  the  pension  fund’s   Planning meetings have been held in each section, involving the youngsters, to
       total assets of £3.8bn.                                                              work out activities for the coming term and beyond. Undaunted by Covid, some
                                                                                            really exciting activities are planned.
       Letter to Michael Gove following a meeting between the
       Leader and Officers of Dorset Council (about Planning)                                                                             Cub Pack

       I  am  grateful  to  you  and  your  team  for  giving  time  on  Monday  to  talk  about                                          The  Cubs  finished  off  last
       Dorset’s bold vision for the future.  We are an ambitious council that wants to help                                               term  with  a  fantastic  talent
       achieve  growth  and  prosperity  for  our  communities.    In  particular,  we  talked                                            show.  Magic  tricks,  table
       about the planning challenges and your Chief Planner explained Government’s                                                        tennis  skills,  jokes,  singing
       future plans for planning reform.  In my letter to you of 17 January, I set out our                                                and  dancing  were  just
       ambition and flexibilities I am seeking and now that we have discussed the matter                                                  some  of  the  talents  on
       further,  feel  that  my  proposals  for  Dorset  sit  well  with  your  future  plans  for  wider                                 show.  We  sold  tickets  to
       reform.  Indeed, I offered for Dorset to be a pilot for such reforms, and I stand by                                               friends  and  family  to  raise
       that offer.                                                                                                                        money  for  a  worthy  cause
                                                                                                                                          chosen  by  the  Cubs.  This
       We would like to use that pilot to develop a Local Plan which would run to 2050                                                    talent   show    earned
       and including the new settlement or settlements for Dorset.  As you know, we are     the Cubs their Entertainment Badge to go with the Scientist and Swimmer Badges
       already working with your officials and Homes England to review sites for a new      that  most  achieved  last  term.  This  term  we  are  focusing  on  the  World  Badge
       settlement, and we have identified a number of potentially sustainable sites.  We    which will mean learning about different cultures around the world. We are going
       have  arranged  a  seminar  with  the  Dorset  Council  Cabinet  members  and  your   to  celebrate  Chinese  New  Year  with  some  cooking  and  the  Indian  Festival  of
       officials to be held on 23 March, where we will progress the work already started    Colour with some chalk drawing. We are all very excited looking forward to our
       and look in greater detail at these proposals.                                       sleepover in the church in the half term.

       However, in  order  to  make  a reality  of this  more  ambitious approach,  we need
       some flexibility to our current Local Plan process.  We are seeking an extension to
       the timeframe of two years to May 2026 and freedoms and flexibilities from the five  Scout Troop
       -year  local  housing  supply  and  delivery  requirements.    We  know  that  this  was   The Scout section remains a brilliant weekly get together for young people from
       something which was granted to Oxfordshire when they similarly were seeking to       where they can get out of school/home-ed shackles for a couple of hours and do
       develop a more ambitious growth plan.  We have looked at the specific technical      different stuff.
       requirements of such a request and would be pleased to share this thinking with
       your Chief Planning Officer as she develops her response following our meeting.      The program this winter has been very varied with caving, cooking, geocaching,
                                                                                            wide games, Remembrance events, team building, Christmas fun, and, the one
       The slightly longer timescale will enable us to fully embed the objectives set out in   where  the  Scout  Leader  usually  shows  much  more  enthusiasm  than  the  Scouts,

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