Page 28 - br-april-2018
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April 2018                                                                           April 2018

       aligns well with other public service provision, including health, police, and the fire
       and  rescue  service.  In  short,  the  area  of  each  of  the  new  unitary  councils  is  a
       credible geography.
        Local support, I am satisfied that across Dorset as a whole there is a good deal of
       local  support  for  these  two  new  councils.  The  consultation,  which  the  nine
       councils  undertook  using  a  professional  Social  Research  Practice  prior  to
       submitting  their  proposal,  included  a  representative  household  survey  which
       showed that across the area as a whole 65% of the public support the new two
       unitary  structure.  Nearly  80%  of  councillors  across  the  whole  area  support  the
       proposal,  and  the  representations  that  I  have  received  demonstrate  that
       businesses  and  key  public-sector  partners  overwhelmingly  support  the  new
       structure.  I  have  also  carefully  considered  the  advisory  poll  which  Christchurch
       Borough Council undertook, the representations I have received about it, and its
       result showing that a majority of those that voted were against a single council for
       Bournemouth,  Christchurch,  and  Poole.  In  short,  I  am  satisfied  that  not  only  the
       majority  of  the  public  across  Dorset  support  the  proposal,  but  that  the  poll,
       involving  only  some  6%  of  the  area’s  population,  does  not  undermine  my
       judgment that the local support criterion is met.

        In  conclusion  I  will  now  be  seeking  the  necessary  Parliamentary  approvals  to
       implement the proposals to establish the two new unitary councils on 1 April 2019.
       I intend to lay before Parliament towards the end of March the draft secondary
       legislation, which if approved by Parliament and subsequently made, will establish
       the new councils.  Before laying the final drafts, I will share drafts of this legislation
       with  you,  the  other  council  leaders  and  with  the  Dorset  MPs.  I  know  that  your
       council and the other eight councils will be continuing to work in joint committees
       to  plan  for  implementation,  and  my  officials  will  be  working  closely  with  your
       officers  as  detailed  arrangements  are  developed  which  will  feed  into  further
       secondary legislation, in particular on the financial arrangements of transition.
        I envisage bringing forward this further secondary legislation around June or July.
       Central to this will be provisions on council tax harmonisation which give effect to
       my role of specifying the maximum period for equalisation.  In deciding what that
       maximum period shall be I shall have regard to local preferences, the impact on
       individual  council  tax  bills  across  the  areas  concerned,  and  the  financial
       implications for the authorities. There is a balance to be struck between ensuring
       council tax payers do not experience a large increase  in bills and not allowing
       residents  in  one  predecessor  area  to  be  concerned  that  they  are  effectively
       contributing more to the cost of services than others in the area.

       I  am  also  proposing  to  make  and  lay  before  Parliament  shortly  an  order  to
       postpone the May 2018 elections in Weymouth and Portland by one year. This will
       avoid  members  being  elected  for  only  one  year,  if  Parliament  approves  the
       legislation establishing the new unitary councils.
        Finally,  in  my  7  November  statement  I  said  that  once  I  had  made  my  final

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