Page 12 - br-april-2018
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April 2018                                                                           April 2018

       wedding  in  Cana.  He                                                              really  keen  amongst  you  there  is  more  information  on  the  Briantspuddle
       spoke  to  about  four                                                              Community website. Although the Post Office is small, it does provide all the usual
       questions:  What  does                                                              PO services (other than car tax) such as postal services, foreign currency and the
       my  Mum  teach  me?                                                                 facility to pay bills and draw cash.
       How  does  my  Mum
       help  me?  When  did  I                                                             The  Shop  has  an  agreement  with  Sainsbury’s  which  allows  us  to  sell  Sainsbury’s
       last  thank  my  Mum?                                                               own brand goods at a very small mark-up. We hold a small selection of meat and
       How  can  I  thank  my                                                              other essentials such as bread and milk. If there is something special you would
       Mum?    There  were                                                                 like we will do our best to source it for you. Any financial surplus made by the Shop
       some  good  answers                                                                 is  kept  solely  for  use  by  the  Shop  to  buy  more  stock  and  meet  the  Shop’s  few
       including  to  the  final                                                           running costs, ie electricity, insurance etc.
       one  giving  a  card,
       chocolates  or  flowers                                                             So,  one  of  the  direct  benefits  of  every  purchase  is  that  it  allows  the  Shop  to
       but  most  of  all  to  say                                                         continue to meet many of the needs of those residents who do not have private
       ‘Thank  you’  and  I  love                                                          transport as well as providing a local opportunity to purchase those items which
       you!’                                                                               you  forgot  in  your  ‘Big  Shop’.  We  were  very  popular  during  the  recent  bad
                                                                                           weather! As well as being a useful amenity, regular customers see the Shop as an
       The  service  moved  on                                                             important  social  "hub"  of  the  community,  the  place  for  local  news.  So  please
       with the acting song Great, Great, Brill, Brill in which the children at the front did   come and support us.
       extremely well.  Amazingly only three people  owned up to having a birthday in
       March but we sang to them anyway. After the Affirmation of Faith and the time
       of Prayer, we sang the final hymn Once in Royal David’s city (Yes, actually very    BLADEN SOCIAL CLUB
       appropriate as we sang about the mother of Jesus, Mary, whose greatest gift to
       the  world  was  giving  birth  to  him  on  Christmas  Day.  Some  junior  puppets  then
       joined the older ones in Tell him, a song which reminded us to speak to Jesus of    The Race Night on Saturday the
       our desire to be forgiven. The final part of the service was the giving out of the   24   February  attracted  an
       lovely plants for the children (of any age) to give to their mums!  Our thanks to all   audience  of  forty  six  race
       who took any part!                                                                  spectators,  some  of  whom
                                                                                           were  persuaded  by  the  race
                                                                                           stewards to become jockeys for
                              BERE REGIS PARISH CHURCH                                     the evening.
                              GUIDED TOURS ..                                              The   competition   between
                                                                                           jockeys  franticly  winding  their
                                                                                           “model”  horses  to  the  finishing
                                 ….. starting in May                                       line  in  eight  races  through  the
                                                                                           evening  created  humour  and
                                We intend to start tours again in May on Tuesdays at       excitement for the spectators as well as aching arm muscles for the jockeys.
                                11.00  and  Thursdays  at  3.00.  Thanks  to  those  who
                                have agreed to help out.                                   All  said  they  had  an  enjoyable  and  fun  evening,  some  leaving  with  less  in  their
                                                                                           pockets, and others with rather more, than when they started.
                                Fliers and posters will be available in the church once
                                it  is  back  to  normal  and  we  would  appreciate       However though there were individual winners and losers the overall aim of raising
        anyone who will distribute these to TIC’s, camp sites, B & B’s or any other centre   money for local charities was achieved with £300 raised for local charity Employ
        for visitors to the area.                                                          My Ability and £50 for Wareham Rotary to donate to a charity of their choice.
                                                                                           The social club wishes to thank all those who made this such a successful evening,
                                                                                           in particular Mick King and Tim Reed (the horse trainers) for organising the races

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