Page 47 - br-sep-2022
P. 47

September 2022                                                                      September 2022

                                      As our group began to swim around Old Harry,
                                                                                                           BERE REGIS NEWS
                                      we  soon  discovered  that  we  had  issues  with
                                      the tide and conditions. The sea depth close in
                                      became very shallow with a mass of seaweed
                                      hindering  progress.  Also,  there  was  a  really    BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL
                                      strong  rip-tide  around  the  point  itself.  It  was
                                      almost  impossible  to  make  progress  at  this
                                      point as we each tried to find an easier way.         Chairman:           07900 906278
                                      Some  managed  to  hang  on  to  a  kayak  and                  Mathers
                                      edge  further  out  where  the  current  was  not
                                      quite  as  severe.  Together  with  one  or  two      Vice      Bryan     07969 770890
                                      others,  I  was  able  to  come  into  shore  and     Chairman:  Benjafield
                                      edge  along  the  rocks  to  a  point  where  the
                                      current  relented.  This  only  lasted  around        Parish    Amanda    07855 396073
                                      200/300 metres but was a real test.                   Clerk:     Crocker
                                      Emergency over and regrouped, we struck out
                                      for  South  Beach,  Studland.  On  a  balmy           Websites: 
                                      summer Saturday evening,  this was the place
                                      to be!  The clifftops  of Ballard Down  stretched
                                                                                            The Parish Council does not hold meetings during August, so there is no report this

       out   before   us                                                                    PURBECK COAST TRACTOR RUN 2022
       and     I   was
       swimming  in  my
       own  time  and                                                                       Philip  and  Ben  Trim  of  Philip  Trim  Contactors  were  delighted  to  hand  over  a
       space, magical!                                                                      cheque  for  £21,218.93  which  was  raised  during  their  charity  event  called  the
       South Beach was                                                                      Purbeck Coast Tractor Run in July this year.
       getting   nearer                                                                     The event consisted of a tractor run across the Purbecks over roads, private land
       and  nearer  and                                                                                                                    a n d    w i t h    s p e c i a l
       it   was   even                                                                                                                     permission  of  the  National
       possible  to  smell  the  barbecues  on  the  beach.  I  was  swimming  through  the                                                Trust  who  granted  access
       seagrass  and  imagining  the  seahorses  that  were  waiting  for  me  to  spot  them.  I                                          to tracks that are closed to
       never  did  see  one  this  time  but  I  live  in  hope  for  future  occasions.  This  rather                                     public  vehicles.    This  gave
       suggests that  I  will  be back  next year but I  had noticed I was  a good  20 years                                               the  tractor  run  unique
       older than any of my fellow swimmers and everybody has their use- by date!                                                          views   of   spectacular
       As  we  walked  the  last  part  in  the  shallow  waters  onto  the  beach  there  was  a                                          scenery  from  Swanage,
       feeling of euphoria among our swimmers and the safety crew. The kayakers and                                                        Corfe Castle and round to
       John  on  the  boat had  been  brilliant  throughout  providing a  perfect  guide  and                                              Old   Harry   Rocks   and
       unobtrusive assistance. We had covered the 4 mile distance in just over a couple                                                    Studland.
       of hours.                                                                                                                           Approximately 154 tractors
       We waited on the beach a little while as the last swimmer swam to shore followed                      Photo credit: Tradewind Graphics   went  out  on  the  run,

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