Page 44 - br-sep-2022
P. 44

September 2022                      September 2022

 ENVIRONMENT GROUP   Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites

 At  the  time  of  writing  we  are  still  in  the  midst  of  a
 blazing summer with little sight of rain. If that is still the   Eve's Pudding
 case at the time you read this, please ensure you put
 out  water  for  our  wildlife.  It’s  not  just  the  birds  that   This  is  so  simple,  basically  fruit  with  a  sponge  topping.  Traditionally  made
 need it, it is various mammals such as hedgehogs as   with apples but you could use blackberries now they too can be found out
 well as bees and other insects. So, please ensure there   on your walks.
 is some available to all.

 As  we  now  enter  Autumn  and  the  season  of  mellow  fruitfulness,  we  can  take   Ingredients
 pleasure in the rich colours of ripening fruit in the hedgerows. We may even be
 able to enjoy picking and eating some blackberries! That’s if there any still left as      1lb apples or blackberries
 two  things  seem  to  be  happening  as  a  result  of  the  hot  weather  –  some      2 tbsp water
 blackberries  are  ripening  earlier,  others  seem  to  be  drying  up.  If  you  find  some      granulated sugar
 enjoy them, but do leave some for our wildlife.      4oz self raising flour
               4oz butter

 Souls Moor and the Ponies      4oz castor sugar
               2 eggs lightly beaten
 Be assured that the ponies are regularly checked by the owner and, despite the
 hot  weather  and  lower  than  usual  water  levels,  the  ponies  still  have  plenty  of
 water available to drink ion the pond dug a few years back.   Method
 At Souls Moor and you’ll see a mix of areas of short grass that have been nibbled   1.   Preheat over 180c gas 4
 down by the ponies, areas that have been trampled by their hooves and areas
 of  longer  vegetation.  This  mix  of  habitats  is  excellent  -  just  what  is  needed  to   2.   Peel, core then slice the apples.
 sustain a rich variety of wildlife.    3.   Add apples to a pan with water and granulated sugar.  Add  sugar
                according  to the  sweetness  of  the apples.  Cook  until softened  but
 This  becomes  very  clear  when  watching  birds  within  Souls  Moor.  Some  birds,
 particularly  larger  ones,  will  be  ferreting  around  on  the  ground  for  bugs,  grubs   still keeping their shape.
 and  seeds  while  generally  smaller  birds  will  be  flitting  from  stalk  to  stalk  within   4.   Transfer to pyrex or oven proof souffle dish to cool.
 areas of longer vegetation feasting on the ripening seeds.
          5.    Make sponge topping by beating together butter and castor sugar

                until creamy.
          6.    Slowly add the beaten egg a little at a time.
 This summer appears to have been a good one for many butterflies. From casual
 observation  the  Gatekeeper  butterfly,  see  photo,  also  known  as  the  Hedge   7.   Fold in the sifted flour
 Brown appears to be around in very strong numbers. Its name originates as it is   8.   Spread the mixture over the apples and bake in the oven for 40- 45
 often  encountered  where  clumps  of  flowers  grow  in  gateways  and  along   minutes.
 hedgerows and field edges.
          9.    If a skewer or knife comes out clean, it is cooked through.
 It  is  often  seen  together  and  can  easily  be  confused  with  the  Meadow  Brown
 butterfly. The Gatekeeper is slightly smaller than and has more orange on its wings   10.   Best eaten hot with lashings of custard but equally nice cold.

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