Page 46 - br-sep-2022
P. 46

September 2022                      September 2022

 ranging from lovely old vintage models to modern day high technology tractors, it    With  such  a  large  group,  there  was  of
 certainly was a sight to behold!  Upon returning to Throop Hollow Farm there was   course  a  difference  in  swim  speeds,  but
 a  wood  display  by  the  Adams  Axemen,  an  auction  hosted  by  Symonds  and   the  instructions  quite  rightly  were  to  stick
 Sampson, a tombola stall run by volunteers of Poole Hospital, live music, hog roast   together  with  the  lead  swimmers  and
 and a bar.  Dorset Police Rural Crime Team took the time to pop along to engage   their kayaks stopping from time to time to
 with some of our rural community and discuss rural crime awareness    allow  the  others  to catch up. I  settled in
       nicely  in  the  middle  of  the  pack  and
 We would like to thank everybody who came along to the event, the companies   enjoyed my swim around 50 metres from
 and  people  who  sponsored  and  donated,  and  local  communities  who  came   the  shoreline  under  the  shear  rock  face
 along to join in and support us, or who came out along the route to cheer the   that surrounded Ballard Down.
 tractors along!  This money raised is in addition to the first tractor run in 2019, and
 the campsite that Philip and Ben open up at Throop Hollow Farm during August   I would stop a little while at certain points
 where  fundraising  continues,  and  brings  the  total  sum  raised  for  the  Dorset   to take in the natural beauty around me.
 Cancer Centre at Poole Hospital to £49,318.93
 Philip and Ben went along
 to   Poole   Hospital   to
 present  a  cheque  and                         Seabirds  were  darting  here  and
 met   with   Oncology                           there and some soaring using the
 Consultant Dr Mike Bayne                        thermals.  Seagulls  nestled  in  the
 and  lung  nurse  specialist                    craggy  cliff  face  -no  doubt
 Alison  Brooks  who  cared                      wondering what we were up to!
 for  Jane  Trim,  Philips  wife
 and  Bens  mother.  They
 also  met  members  from
 the  radiotherapy  team
 who  gave  a  presentation
 of  the  surface  guided
 radiotherapy   (SGRT)
 equipment  for  postural   The  swim  out  of  Swanage  Bay  completed,  we
 video  projected  called   turned  left  to  strike  out  for  Old  Harry  Rocks.
 Vision RT.  This is a ground-  Without  the  protection  of  the  bay  the  sea  state
 breaking   module   that   Photo credit: UHD NHS Charity   became  more  of  a  challenge  with  the  force  4
 makes   surface   guided   wind  blowing  against  the  prevailing  tide.  No
 radiotherapy simpler to use and will shorten the time for a patient to be on the   problem  for  experienced  open  water  swimmers
 radiotherapy  treatment  couch improving their comfort  and  experience. This  will   but what was to come made life very interesting
 benefit  25,000  radiotherapy  treatments  a  year.    The  money  raised  from  the   for a while!
 Purbeck  Coast  Tractor  Run  will  go  towards  this  equipment  licence,  which  is  not
 within  the  standard  specification  of  NHS  England  radiotherapy.    The  hospital   As  we  edged  nearer  to  Old  Harry,  the  majesty
 needs  to  raise  £100k  for  this  project  and  if  you  would  like  to  know  more  or   and magnificence of this place became clearer.
 fundraise  towards  it,  please  contact  the  University  Hospitals  Dorset  NHS  Charity   Most  people  I  know  have  seen  it  from  the  land
 department.    and of course it is a truly wonderful iconic sight.
       From the sea it takes on a new level. Just being
       there  in  that  moment  was  a  truly  unforgettable
       experience. Old Harry had been there for millions
       of years, and I, for just the blink of an eyelid!

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