Page 45 - br-sep-2022
P. 45

September 2022                                                                      September 2022


       “Good to see you again, Bob! I hope you
       enjoy the swim today”
       Jack  Davies,  chief  organiser  of  the  now
       annual  Swanage  to  Studland  swim
       greeted me like an old friend. Open water
       swimmers are friendly types and Jack was
       no  exception.  We  were  gathered  near
       Sheps Hollow at the end of Swanage Bay
       to  swim  the  four  miles  around  Ballard
       Down  and  Old  Harry  Rocks  to  South
       Beach, Studland.
       The weather was  blisteringly hot, and  the sea a positively balmy 18C. However,
       with  an  easterly  wind  blowing  against  the  prevailing  westerly  tide  there  was  a
       decided chop in the sea and it was certainly not the flat calm we had hoped for!
       John  had  our  support  boat  moored  50  metres  off  shore’  and  5  kayaks  were
       already lined up on the beach ready to take to the water.
                                                      Diana  had  dropped  me
                                                      earlier  for  my  short  walk
                                                      along    the   Swanage                  When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw their
                                                      promenade  to  the  start  of           advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the effectiveness of
                                                      the  swim.  I  was  able  to               their advert and helps us generate more advertising revenue!!
                                                      make  a  mobile  call  to  her
                                                      saying that all was well and
                                                      I would see her around 6pm
                                                      at the other end.
                                                      The safety briefing followed
                                                      which  Jack  kept  short  and
                                                      to  the  point.  The  need  for
                                                      the safety cover (boat and
       kayaks) was fairly obvious on this swim as in case of emergency there was no exit
       strategy because of the lack of beaches to land on.
       I looked around at my fellow swimmers and soon discovered that there were only
       three of us not in wetsuits. As it turned out, I found no need to wear a wetsuit as
       the sea was so warm and the air temperature well over 30C. However, it is a more
       demanding  swim  as  a  suit  aids  buoyancy  and  keeps  the  body  in  a  more
       streamlined position.
       We were asked to enter the sea and we were off!

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