Page 43 - br-sep-2022
P. 43

September 2022                                                                      September 2022

             might become hostile or angry, and withdraw from conversation when you        than  the  Meadow  Brown.  If  you
             ask any questions about their partner                                         can  get  up  close,  take  a  look  at
                                                                                           the  black  ‘eye’  towards  the  edge
            They may express very strong emotions and commitment to someone they          of  the  upper  wing  as  another
             have only just met                                                            distinguishing  feature  is  that  the
                                                                                           Gatekeeper  has  two  white  spots
            They have sent, or are planning to send, money to someone they have not       within  the  ‘eye’  whereas  the
             met face-to-face. They may take out loans or withdraw from their pension      Meadow  Brown  has  just  one.
             to send money.                                                                Favourite  nectar  sources  for  the
       For  further  advice,  or  to  report  a  scam  to  Trading  Standards,  call  the  Citizens   G at e ke e pe r   i n c l u de    Wi l d
       Advice consumer helpline on 0808 2231133.                                           Marjoram,  Common  Fleabane,
                                                                                           Ragworts,  and  Bramble.  Various
                                                                                           grasses  are  used  by  its  caterpillars  as  food  plants,  particularly  favouring  fine
                                                                                           grasses.  The  Gatekeeper  may  continue  to  be  see  through  to  at  least  mid-
                                                                                                                                 The  most  exciting  butterfly  spot  we
                                                                                                                                 have heard about in the village is the
                                                                                                                                 Swallowtail – see photo. It is one of the
                                                                                                                                 UK’s  rarest  and  most  spectacular
                                                                                                                                 butterflies.  It  is  the  largest  (wing  span
                                                                                                                                 up to 90mm or 3 and a half inches) UK
                                                                                                                                 butterfly  and  strong  flying.  The
                                                                                                                                 Swallowtail  butterfly  has  creamy-
                                                                                                                                 yellow  wings  with  heavy  black  veins
                                                                                                                                 and blue margins. The hindwings have
                                                                                                                                 distinctively  long  swallow-like
                                                                                                                                 'tails'  (from  which  its  name  derives)
                                                                                                                                 and  a  red  spot.  The  native  British
                                                                                           breeding  Swallowtail  butterfly  is  only  found  on  the  Norfolk  Broads.  Other
                                                                                           Swallowtail  butterflies  spotted  in  the  UK,  such  as  the  one  recently  seen  in  the
                                                 Quality Tax and                           village,  are  migrants  from  the  continent.  Their  range  is  very  much  restricted  to
                                                                                           southern England and primarily coastal areas.
           KingsBere                                Accounting                               Wild Woodbury

           Accountants                     For professional advice, dealing with all       There’s lots going on at Wild Woodbury. If you would like to know more email the
                                                                                           Community ranger, Seb Haggett - - and he will
                                                aspects of accounts and tax
                                                                                           include you on the email distribution list for his monthly newsletter.
                                           Day and evening appointments available
                                                                                           Conservation Working Parties
                 Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304                             Over recent years our volunteers at the conservation working parties have really
                                                                                           helped to improve the wildlife value of the natural habitats alongside the stream
                                                           and at Souls Moor. We hope they will restart in the coming months. Look out for

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