Page 30 - Bere Regis November 2023
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November 2023                                                                       November 2023

        DORSET TRADING STANDARDS                                                           Village Hall Fundraising Event Old Bere Regis Photographic
        Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and                          Was held on Saturday 28  we will have more details of how that went in December
        approve businesses so you don’t have to.                                           Magazine. Meanwhile if anyone wants a copy of Mark Bennett’s book Bere Regis
        For more information visit or                         Those Bygone Days selling at £10 please email and we will
        call 08454 040506.                                                                 pass the order on to him.
        To report or seek advice about problems you have                                                                     Alison Bennett Chairperson  01929 472023
        experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.

       Digital Switchover scams

       The UK’s telephone network is changing. Between now and 2025 most telephone
       providers  will  be  moving  their  customers  from  old  analogue  landlines  to  new
       upgraded landline services using digital technology. Services that rely on the old
       landline  system such  as home  phones  and  healthcare devices  will  be  switched        Parish Magazine Delivery Subscriptions

       The  new  network  will  provide  a  future  proof,  more  reliable  and  dependable             At this time of the year I send an email
       broadband service that will support the UK for decades to come.                            notification to all those who have their magazine
       The Local Government Association (LGA) says the change will be straightforward               delivered each month and for whom I have an
       for  most  people.  However,  they  have  warned  that  criminals  are  using
       misinformation about the switchover to confuse people vulnerable to scams.                                      email address.
       The  LGA says  people  who use healthcare  telephony devices  are particularly  at
       risk of being targeted by scammers, who trick victims into disclosing their personal          This is the most cost effective way of advising
       and  financial  information  over  the  phone.  Around  2  million  people  use  these       subscribers that their annual payment of £10 is
       devices across the country.

       The switchover is free of charge and councils and their homecare alarm providers               due for 2024.  Bank transfer payments are
       or contractors will never ask for personal or financial information over the phone.           encouraged to reduce administration, record
                                                      The  LGA  says  it  has  seen                       keeping and to speed up the process.
                                                      reports  of  fraudsters  calling
                                                      people  claiming  their  bank                Please ensure that I have your up to date contact
                                                      details  are  needed  as  part
                                                      of  the  switchover  or  their              information and if you have never provided your
                                                      s e r v i c e    w i l l    b e            email for this, perhaps you’d be kind enough to let
                                                      disconnected.  It  has  also
                                                      received reports of residents                  me have it as soon as possible.  Many thanks.
                                                      being  contacted  over  the
                                                      phone by callers claiming to                   Alison  -  Editor  -
                                                      work  for  the  NHS,  asking  for
                                                      their personal information.
                                                      The  LGA  expects  scam

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