Page 25 - Bere Regis November 2023
P. 25

November 2023                       November 2023
 Africa, and he introduced us to Able who is now being employed by the River of   We are indebted to Kim Benjafield for all the work she puts in to cleaning the bus
 Living Water in situ.    and getting it ready for each trip and to our volunteer drivers, without whom the
        communibus  would  not  operate.  We  do  need  more  drivers  though.  If  you  are
 We presented Alan with a photo of some of the events that we have organised
 to help the project and a quote “Not all Super Heroes wear capes”   able to offer your services, please contact the Clerk.

 The work that Alan has done, and will continue to manage now from the UK, has
 saved literally countless people’s lives and he really is so special to so many for all   NeighbourCar
 he has worked so tirelessly to achieve.
        Like the Communibus, this is an invaluable parish initiative, but it is desperately in
 Have you checked out our Pop In Place website    need  of  volunteer  drivers. We  have  somewhere in  the region of  160 clients  but
        only 6 drivers at the moment. Please, please, if you can give a couple of hours a
 For More information call Alison Bennett 01929 472023    month or whenever you are able, please put your name forward as a driver. You
        will  not  be  committing  to  any  regular  drives.  You  will  only  be  committing  to
        receiving an email when people need  assistance  and,  if you are able  to help,
        then  respond  to  the  email.  It’s  as  simple  as  that.  Without  you,  this  initiative  will
        most definitely close and that would be such a shame. Please contact the Clerk
        if you can help.

        Next Meeting
        The next meeting will be the held on Thursday 9  November 2023 commencing
        7pm at  the  Village  Hall.  If you  wish  to  have an  item  added  to the  agenda  for
        discussion, please contact the Clerk or a member of the Parish Council.
 Dorset Property Care
 Allan Slater
 Based in Briantspuddle
    Services         A D V E R T I S E R S
    Building maintenance
    General joinery
    Garden maintenance   Now is the time to start thinking about your regular advert.
    Garden landscaping   Do you need to make any changes, has your information
    Kitchens                         changed?
    Man and digger hire   Would you perhaps like a refreshed  layout or new graphics?
    Waste carrier licence
              Renewal notices will be going out this month, so do let me
 07973 158092             know if you would like a new look.                    Alison  -   471780

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